The Sanskrit Reader Companion

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Input: so 'yam etā gatīḥ sarvā jantuś carati kāryavān

Sentence: सः अयम् एता गतीः सर्वा जन्तुः चरति कार्यवान्
may be analysed as:

Solution 5 :
[ saḥ
[tad]{m. sg. nom.}
[ ayam
[idam]{m. sg. nom.}
[ etā
[i]{per. fut. ac. sg. 3}
[ gatīḥ
[gati]{f. pl. acc.}
[ sarvāḥ
[sarva]{m. pl. nom. | f. pl. acc. | f. pl. nom.}
[ jantuḥ
[jantu]{m. sg. nom.}
[ carati
[car]{pr. [1] ac. sg. 3}
[kim]{f. sg. nom.}
[ ari
[ari]{n. sg. acc. | n. sg. nom.}
[arin]{n. sg. acc. | n. sg. nom.}
[ avān
[vā_2]{impft. [2] ac. pl. 3}

Solution 7 :
[ saḥ
[tad]{m. sg. nom.}
[ ayam
[idam]{m. sg. nom.}
[ etā
[i]{per. fut. ac. sg. 3}
[ gatīḥ
[gati]{f. pl. acc.}
[ sarvā
[sarva]{f. sg. nom.}
[ jantuḥ
[jantu]{m. sg. nom.}
[ carati
[car]{pr. [1] ac. sg. 3}
[kim]{f. sg. nom.}
[ ari
[ari]{n. sg. acc. | n. sg. nom.}
[arin]{n. sg. acc. | n. sg. nom.}
[ avān
[vā_2]{impft. [2] ac. pl. 3}

2 solutions kept among 16
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