Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Last updated: May 19, 2014
Based on the IITS - Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
Based on the XML version dated October 25, 2012, Jim Funderburk and Peter Scharf, The Sanskrit Library. Full Credits
Converted to XHTML 1.0 Strict and hyperlinked to The Sanskrit Heritage Platform by Pawan Goyal and Gérard Huet
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[ ṅa ] [ ṅa ]1 the 5th consonant of the Sanskṛit alphabet , nasal of the 1st class. No word in use begins with this letter

it is usually found as the 1st member of a conjunct consonant preceded by a vowel.

  ङकार [ ṅakāra ] [ ṅa-kāra ] m. the letter or sound [ ṅa ] .

[ ṅa ] [ ṅa ]2 m. an object of sense Lit. L.

desire for any sensual object Lit. L.

Śiva ( [ bhairava ] ) Lit. L.

ङु [ ṅu ] [ ṅu ] Root cl. [1] Ā. [ ṅavate ] , to sound Lit. Dhātup. xxii , 57 : Desid. [ ñuṅūṣate ] Lit. Pāṇ. 7-4 , 62 Sch.

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