Last updated: May 19, 2014 |
Based on the IITS - Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon |
Based on the XML version dated October 25, 2012, Jim Funderburk and Peter Scharf, The Sanskrit Library. Full Credits |
Converted to XHTML 1.0 Strict and hyperlinked to The Sanskrit Heritage Platform by Pawan Goyal and Gérard Huet |
थ |
थ [ tha ] [ tha ]1 aspirate of the preceding letter.
थ [ tha ] [ tha ]2 m. a mountain Lit. L.
a protector Lit. L.
a sign of danger Lit. L.
N. of a disease Lit. L.
eating Lit. L.
[ tha ] n. preservation Lit. L.
fear Lit. L.
an auspicious prayer Lit. L.
थक्कन [ thakkana ] [ thakkana ] m. see [ ṭhakk ] Lit. Rājat.
थक्रिय [ thakriya ] [ thakriya ] m. N. of a man , iv , 493.
थक्वियक [ thakviyaka ] [ thakviyaka ] N. of a man , Lit. v , 151.
थरथराय [ tharatharāya ] [ tharatharāya ] Nom. Ā. (p. [ °yamāna ] ) to grow giddy , tumble , Lit. Kāraṇḍ. xi , 130.
थर्व् [ tharv ] [ tharv ] Root cl. [1] P. to go Lit. Nir. xi , 18.
थल्योरक [ thalyoraka ] [ thalyoraka ] N. of a village Lit. Rājat.
थुड् [ thuḍ ] [ thuḍ ] Root cl. [6] [ °ḍati ] , to cover Lit. Dhātup.
थुत्कार [ thutkāra ] [ thut-kāra ] m. = [ thūt-k ] Lit. W.
थुत्थुकारक [ thutthukāraka ] [ thutthu-kāraka ] m. f. n. one who smacks his lips in eating (not admitted into the Lit. Buddh. brotherhood) Lit. L.
थुथु [ thuthu ] [ thuthu ] = [ thūthū ] .
थुथुकृत् [ thuthukṛt ] [ thuthu-kṛt ] m. N. of a bird Lit. Npr.
थुर्व् [ thurv ] [ thurv ] Root cl. [1] P. [ thū́rvat ] , (Agni) hurting ( Lit. Dhātup. xv , 62 ; cf. √ [ turv ] ) Lit. MaitrS. ii , 10 , 1.
थूत् [ thūt ] [ thūt ] ind. ( fr. [ ṣṭhyūta ] ?) .
थूत्कार [ thūtkāra ] [ thūt-kāra ] m. the sound made in spitting Lit. Rājat. vii f.
थूत्कृत [ thūtkṛta ] [ thūt-kṛta ] n. id. , Lit. vii , 1116 .
थूत्कृत्य [ thūtkṛtya ] [ thūt-kṛtya ] ind. spitting Lit. ib.
थूथू [ thūthū ] [ thūthū ] imitative sound of spitting , Lit. Sûktik.
थैथै [ thaithai ] [ thaithai ] (in music) imitative sound of a musical instrument.
थोडन [ thoḍana ] [ thoḍana ] n. fr. √ [ thuḍ ] Lit. W.
थौणेय [ thauṇeya ] [ thauṇeya ] n. = [ sth ] Lit. Car. vi f.
थौणेयक [ thauṇeyaka ] [ thauṇeyaka ] n. = [ sth ] Lit. Car. vi f.