The Sanskrit Reader Companion

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Input: tasya śaṅkhasya śabdena rathanemisvanena ca

Sentence: तस्य शङ्खस्य शब्देन रथनेमिस्वनेन च
may be analysed as:

Solution 5 :
[ tasya
[tad]{n. sg. g. | m. sg. g.}
[ śaṅkhasya
[śaṅkha]{m. sg. g. | n. sg. g.}
[ śabdena
[śabda]{m. sg. i.}
[ ratha
[ nemi
[ svanā
[svana]{f. sg. nom.}
[ ina
[ina]{m. sg. voc. | n. sg. voc.}
[ ca

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