Objet : Message d'encouragement De : Sandra MOUTOUVIRIN Date : 28 mai 2003 10:03:41 HAEC À : GH Huet Monsieur, Résidant à l'île de la Réunion et étant intéressée par l'apprentissage de la langue sanskrite, j'ai essayé par tous les moyens de me procurer un dictionnaire sanskrit-français avec écriture dévanagari mais malheureusement, le seul qui soit disponible sur le marché est le Monier-Williams en anglais. Etant francophone, je ne pouvais pas me permettre d'utiliser cet ouvrage. J'ai alors décidé de procéder à une recherche sur Internet et à ma grande surprise, j'ai découvert votre site. J'ai été très contente de trouver le lexique sanskrit-français avec écriture dévanagari et je l'ai trouvé vraiment intéressant. Par ailleurs, je tiens à vous féliciter ainsi que votre équipe pour cet investissement énorme à la réalisation de ce dictionnaire. J'aimerais savoir si vous avez l'intention de faire paraître d'autres ouvrages en français tel qu'un manuel élémentaire de sanskrit (des exercices avec corrigés pour débutants). Au nom des passionnés de sanskrit, nous vous remercions et souhaitons longue vie à votre site. Objet : RE: Release of Sanskrit platform De : Shyam Ranganathan Date : 8 septembre 2004 19:19:03 HAEC À : GH Huet Dear Gerard This is brilliant---an invaluable service to those of us who's talents don't lie in remembering declension tables. Thanks Shyam ************************************************************************* Shyam Ranganathan Department of Philosophy, York University, Toronto (http://shyam.org/) Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (http://www.iep.utm.edu/1/editors.htm) (http://www.yorku.ca/srangan/DesiredArticleList.htm) ************************************************************************* Objet : dictionnaire De : greg.david@free.fr Date : 19 septembre 2004 12:02:36 HAEC Votre dictionnaire Sanskrit-francais est à mon avis sans équivalent. Amicalement. Grégoire DAVID ****************************************** Grégoire DAVID 38 rue de l'amiral Mouchez - 75014 Tél. XXX ****************************************** Objet : Sanskrit computation web pages De : Desiraju Hanumanta Rao Date : 14 septembre 2004 06:57:11 HAEC À : Gerard Huet Cc : peekayar@yahoo.com Répondre à : desirajuhrao@yahoo.com Dear Gerard Huet, On seeing your Sanskrit computational linguistics platform, informed thru Sanskrit Digest, I wish to inform that this will become most useful than routine dictionaries. I liked it very much, [though I do not know French,] as I am also in the habit of cleaving compunds to the bearest minimum. May I say something reg these web pages from the viewpoint of a starter, say reg. fonts, hyperlinks etc. Further, have you seen >> www.valmikiramayan.net<< where, in some cantos we cleaved compunds to bear minimum, which may be useful for you. with regards desiraju hanumanta rao cc to Ramakrishna for info Objet : Rép : bibhyati De : sai@cs.utah.edu Date : 14 mars 2005 22:01:20 HNEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Cc : sanskrit@cs.utah.edu mitrANi, Gerard has pointed to a really helpful website. Please bookmark it. It'd be really great if the dictionary interface provided meanings in english as well. - Sai. Gérard Huet uvaacha: If you go to http://sanskrit.inria.fr/DICO/index.html#stemmer and enter bibhyati while checking verb, you get: bibhyati lemmatizes as: { pr. a. pl. 3 }[bh?{()?}_1] and if you click on the bhii_1 link, you go to the lexicon entry for bhii, showing you that it is 3rd class. The 3 in red is itself a link, yielding all the conjugation of bhii and its participles. Cheers Gerard Objet : The Sanskrit Grammarian De : pauloeclaudio@ajato.com.br Date : 16 octobre 2005 14:44:32 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr salutations, we are brothers, Paulo Marcos and Claudio Marcos, from Brazil, and we want you to know that we think your Sanskrit site is a very useful tool for Sanskrit grammar; we always use it when we are translating something to Sanskrit. we would also like to know if there is an offline version of your tools (Stemmer, Conjugation Engine, Declension Engine, Sandhi Engine, Sanskrit Reader) for Windows, because we are afraid you will be abandoning this site someday (we are just saying this can be a possibility), then we would be loosing some very valuable tools (NOTE: there's no problem if the program is in the French language). is that Zen a Sanskrit software? we tried to download that, but the problem is that we work with Windows, and we guess that's only for Linux/Unix, and we don't know if there is an O'Caml compiler for Windows binary. best regards, Paulo Marcos Durand Segal & Claudio Marcos Durand Segal. Objet : Rép : The Sanskrit Grammarian De : pauloeclaudio@ajato.com.br Date : 20 octobre 2005 22:13:59 HAEC À : gerard.huet@inria.fr namaste from Brazil, this is true, it is good to know that there are users out there. and for what we know, there are many users of your site. there are many Sanskrit pages that have links to your Sanskrit Heritage Dictionary (which is very good) and your Sanskrit Grammarian (which is very good too). the Sanskrit Grammarian with its Grammar, Sandhi and Reader etc pages are very valuable for us and surely for many other users for reference, morphologic analysing etc. keep this work up. namaste, Paulo Marcos Durand Segal and Claudio Marcos Durand Segal. De : Sai Date : 2 novembre 2005 23:56:54 HNEC De : "D. Kenneth Jenkins" Cc : sanskrit@cs.utah.edu Objet : Rép : [Sanskrit] Help: Searching for Research Resources A great tool is the Monier-Williams sanskrit english dictionary online: http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/indologie/tamil/mwd_search.html And of course, Gerard Huet's tool: http://sanskrit.inria.fr/DICO/index.html#stemmer - Sai. Objet : INRIA dictionary De : Abhijit.Mandal@wbs.ac.uk Date : 13 décembre 2005 22:26:24 HNEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Dear M. Huet, I recently came across your web-site "sanskrit.inria.fr" and I find it extremely useful. The dictionary, in particular, is perhaps unique in mentioning the relevant root word (whether noun or verb). Could you please let me know the following: 1. Is there an English version of your electronic dictionary (i.e. from Sanskrit to English instead of Sanskrit to French)? My French is not that good! 2. Where can I look up the meanings of all the French abbreviations used in your web pages and also in the dictionary? 3. In case you do not have an English version of your dictionary, do you know of any other English dictionary that would mention the root of each every entry like you have done? I look forward to your answers. Sincerely, Abhijit Mandal De : "Bhalchandra Gangadhar Thattey" Date : 20 décembre 2005 15:27:21 HNEC À : "Desiraju Hanumanta Rao" Cc : sanskrit@cs.utah.edu Objet : Rép : [Sanskrit] kanat Répondre à : Bhalchandra Gangadhar Thattey I am not sure about how many people know about the SANSKRIT SITE OF G. HUET. It gives very quick response. Bhalchandra G. Thattey nikolaj.korbar@bla.si wrote on 03/13/2006 in humanities.language.sanskrit : One nice site for on-line explorations from my experience is 'Gérard Huet's Sanskrit Site' which allows you to check declensions and verbal paradigms on-line (http://sanskrit.inria.fr/) - it had a few errors in generation of noun declensions, but these are cleared now - there are now only few additional alternatives that are not mentioned in other sources. Objet : Sanskrit De : sug_fr@yahoo.fr Date : 27 mai 2006 10:53:49 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Monsieur, En faisant de la recherche sur google, je suis tombée sur votre site, qui est une véritable mine d'informations sur le sanskrit. ... Suganya Anandakichenin Objet : Sanskrit Grammarian De : Himanshu R Pota Date : 28 mai 2006 07:32:17 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Prof Huet, The help file at http://sanskrit.inria.fr/ says that Sanskrit Grammarian is NOT available as a standalone software because it needs an HTTP server. On my computer I run an Apache HTTP server and with a little tinkering I might be able to run declension and conjugation engines on my computer. These engines would be a great help to me in learning Sanskrit. Thanks. Himanshu Pota Canberra, Australia Objet : I want pay my respect to you De : kib39042@hotmail.com Date : 1 juin 2006 07:28:58 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Dear Sir, Firstly, I would like to thank you very much for your contribution about the web and the dictionary about Sanskrit word analysis. I am a graduated student who are devoting myself to my dissertation of Ph.D. about Saddharmapuntirikasutra. Therefore you or your webmaster can see there is one person from Taiwan who often stayed at your web for a while every day. It is me. I also downloaded your books and will treat them as my collection in person. I just want to say thank you very much. Because it is very helpful to me while I do the research for the translation between Sanskrit and Chinese in the ancient time of China. To tell you the truth, you really build a good software. Why do not you release it as a CD version ? I need the software because it is very helpful when I want to check Sanskrit vocabularies. I think you did a great job. I also told the same idea to Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon. They said it is great and I bought one version in CD Rom from there. Both of your and their web are very helpful to those who want to improve and encourage those who want to study Sanskrit. Therefore, here I would like to pay respect to you. Thank you for your contribution. Yet some vocabulary seemed to show uncorrectly at web. Just like the pronouns such as "idam" and so forth. However, your contributions are very bright. I will use them very often. Due to the reason of the speed of network, I hope you can publish the CD version as same as the web you built. Thank you, Prof. Gerard.Huet. With Best Regards, Sincerely Yours, Lai,Shinn-Chuang from Taiwan Objet : Rép : I want pay my respect to you De : kib39042@hotmail.com Date : 3 juin 2006 16:08:43 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Dear Sir, Thank you for your kindness letter. I can see the image that you are a great scholar from your words. I am sure you will make more brilliant contribution to academic in the future. About my system, I am purely runnig the Window XP Home Edition SP2. I don't know if it can run your software or not. However, I am very happy when your mail came. You did the great job which can solve my problem in Sanskrit. Even my friend who came from Nepal and is good at Buddhism Sanskrit, he also solve his Sanskrit problem via your web. By the way, , may I mention your name in the acknowledgment list of my dissertation when I finished my dissertation ? Actully, your system did help me very much. Thank you very much. Lai,Shinn-Chuang from Taiwan Objet : Release of XML SKT morphology De : joerg.gengnagel@urz.uni-heidelberg.de Date : 19 septembre 2006 17:12:13 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Dear Gérard Huet, your site looks fascinating and I was able to try out some features without serious problems. I have only to check whether my Keyman and Devanagari-unicode configuration will be of any use in typing in. With many thanks for offering this excellent facility. Jörg Gengnagel -- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jörg Gengnagel Heidelberg University Collaborative Research Center 619 "Dynamics of Ritual" Subproject B5: Court Ritual in the Jaipur State http://www.ritualdynamik.uni-hd.de/ Varanasi Research Project: http://www.benares.uni-hd.de South Asia Institute Modern South Asian Studies Im Neuenheimer Feld 330 D-69120 Heidelberg phone: +49(0)6221/54-8906 fax: +49(0)6221/54-8841 Objet : dict. De : chriseade@actewagl.net.au Date : 18 octobre 2006 13:49:58 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Dear M. Huet, Your very excellent Skt site would improve its look substantially if it employed the new version of font Charis SL. The release this year at last sets the diacritics in the same size and look as the surrounding text. I assime the diacrics ave their standard unicodes values, so a change I imagine could be made once for all. I am aware that different browsers will deal differently with this issue, but I have mine set to Charis for the files I am generating for Efeo's CIK project. If you visit [http:]ceade.actewagl.net.au link K.49, for instance, who will see how Mac: Safari handles the problem. Yrs Chris Eade (Dr., Asian Studies, ANU) De : Guy Mazars Objet : COLLABORATION Date : 15 décembre 2006 11:13:55 HNEC À : GH Huet A l’Attention de Gérard Huet Strasbourg, le 15 décembre 2006 Cher Collègue, C’est en Avril 1998 que j’ai découvert vos travaux et mesuré immédiatement leur immense intérêt, mais mes activités professionnelles et des soucis de santé ne m’ont pas laissé le loisir de vous contacter. A l’époque, j’avais connaissance des recherches de Briggs et j’avais déjà consacré beaucoup de temps à l’exploration de la littérature des mathématiques et de l’astronomie avec mon ami Roger Billard. Ces mêmes problèmes de santé ont conduit l’administration universitaire à me mettre à la retraite à compter du 1er janvier. Mais je suis en bien meilleur état que Stephen Hawking et je dispose de l’arsenal âyurvédique. J’irai donc à l’essentiel. Au cours d’un long congé de maladie j’ai acquis une grande expérience dans le domaine de l’édition scientifique (et électronique) et nos préoccupations sont convergentes. Comme vous êtes très certainement un usager de « Skype » je vous propose une première rencontre sur Internet. Bien cordialement, Guy MAZARS Directeur du Groupe de Recherche Ethnomédecine A l’Université Marc Bloch de Strasbourg http://ethnomedecine.free.fr Rédacteur en Chef de la revue « Ethnopharmacologia » Président, European Society of Ethnopharmacology http://ethnopharma.free.fr Président de la Société des études ayurvédiques http://ayurveda.france.free.fr Directeur de Collection, Springer Verlag http://www.springer.com/france/home?SGWID=7-102-69-173669203-0 Site personnel : http://guy.mazars.free.fr E-mail : guy.mazars@free.fr Téléphone : +33 (0)3 88 61 02 86 Pseudo « Skype » : vaidyacakra Objet : Rép De : emilie.aussant@aliceadsl.fr Date : 9 janvier 2007 18:54:02 HNEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Cher M. Huet, ... Je tenais également à vous dire que mes étudiants de sanskrit utilisent beaucoup votre dictionnaire en ligne. Vous avez détrôné le Renou ! Bien cordialement, Emilie Aussant Objet : suggestion for improvement of the sanskrit heritage site De : tsenotanev@satline.net Date : 3 mai 2007 16:42:59 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Cc : tsenotanev@satline.net greetings i am doing a parsing of the mahabharata into an xml format that would include all things... like the form of each word (for which purpose i use a variant of your forms document type), the meter of each verse etc... ...so in this undertaking the information and services provided by you on http://sanskrit.inria.fr are extremely helpful... but for automatic parsing it surely would be better if we had the services implemented as web services or even better as corba objects... so i was wondering if it would be possible you to raise the Sanskrit Reader Companion and the search for inflected forms and the dictionary search and the other services as WSs or CORBA objects that would respond in some formal manner like in xml... if it would, it realy would be of great help in many ways... thank you, tseno tanev Objet : entry De : jceade@gmail.com [ Chris Eade ] Date : 28 août 2007 03:07:10 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr I don't know whether this comment is à propos or not: I was looking for yaati, which Dico found as inflected 3 sg. via the top entry box but did not find as a loc. participle (which was what I wanted it to be) until I searched in the third entry box. The answer is either that it missed the ptcpl in the top-line search, or else (more likely) that I should know(dammit) that I should search in the 3rd box as well. This is tiresome beginner stuff--but then it is the beginners like me who find your site so useful! Best wishes. My Skt teacher (IOldmeadow, at Sydney was very impressed with the word parsing page when I showed it to him a while back. Objet : Petite correction dans votre dictionnaire De : fierpilippe@gmail.com Date : 19 septembre 2007 11:54:48 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Une petite erreur de frappe dans votre dictionnaire "Héritage du sanskrit" (version du 6 août 2007) : "jambbe" en page 30/439 dans la numérotation interne du document (article sur "andhaka"). Par ailleurs, je vous remercie de mettre à disposition un si remarquable dictionnaire. Sincères salutations. Pierre-Philippe Fèvre, sanskritiste amateur. Objet : De : usgaonkar@hotmail.com Date : 8 novembre 2007 08:06:55 HNEC À : gerard.huet@inria.fr Dear Dr Gerard Huet : This is regarding your Sanskrit linguistic resources at http://sanskrit.inria.fr/ . ITS A FANTASTIC WORK FOR WHICH INDOLOGIST LKE ME SHALL REMAIN EVER INDEBTED TO YOU. Surin Usgaonkar Vande Mataram Objet : Sanskrit resources De : kdm@microscan.co.in Date : 19 novembre 2007 06:55:56 HNEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Dear Mr. Huet, Your site is great. The work done by you is really helpful to the Sanskrit student. Are you going to release the English Version of your Sanskrit French Dictionary? (I saw some English words, ) but the compilation is great and kudos to you Regards KDMankikar Objet : why is sanskrit.inria.fr down lately... De : tsenotanev@satline.net Date : 25 novembre 2007 07:02:20 HNEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Cc : tsenotanev@satline.net Répondre à : tsenotanev@satline.net greetings, what is happening with http://sanskrit.inria.fr/ ... we're unable to access it for quite sometime now... please raise it up as soon as it pends on you, 'cause we're choked dead and done without your most precious services.... cordialement, tseno tanev. Objet : polices Sanskrit De : krsna@wanadoo.fr Date : 29 novembre 2007 15:15:13 HNEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Cher Gérard, Quand je vois votre CV + votre enthousiasme pour le sanskrit je pâlis (sans jeu de mots). Merci aussi pour le paquet de liens à exploiter. Pour faire court, je redémarre le sanscrit depuis 6 mois avec une application inégalée, donc je fonce en ce moment sachant que mon enthousiasme risque de retomber. Je cherche une police qui fasse la dévanagari (avec ttes les ligatures), une autre pour le translittéré (mais qui écrive le français correctement avec les é,è,ù... de façon à ne pas avoir à changer de police dans une même phrase) tout ça pour faire lexiques, résumés... J'ai pas mal galéré avec les polices du site omkaranda, il y a des des "trous" dans la police dévanagari (sanskrit 99, ou 99) et la translittérée URW Palladio ne permet pas d'écrire des mots français avec le é par ex (normal c'est une police pour anglophones). Je ne vous en voudrais aucunement si vous ne répondez pas à ce courriel. Encore une fois tte mon admiration, cordialement armel Objet : MERCI De : andante84@wanadoo.fr Date : 2 décembre 2007 20:25:03 HNEC A : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Bonsoir Monsieur Huet Je viens vous remercier pour votre dictionnaire sanskrit- français, dont je me sers abondemment, je vous ai une joyeuse gratitude pour l'avoir mis si généreusement à disposition. Très cordialement, Annita Dante Objet : le dico De : krsna@wanadoo.fr Date : 4 janvier 2008 13:28:30 HNEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Gérard, j'ai fait tirer et relier votre dico qui est intéressant pour le débutant que je suis. Il y a bcp à lire, ce qui fait qu'on y passe plus de temps que prévu. j'ai bien aimé l'entrée sur Indra. Amusant aussi qu'il soit en Latex créé par Knuth, dont j'ai lu un ou 2 tomes il y a un certain temps. cordialement armel Objet : .so.da"se vs. dvaada"se De : joern.gruber@gmx.de Date : 5 février 2008 22:57:05 HNEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Cher Gérard qu'est-ce que je ferais sans ton merveilleux Sanskrit Heritage Dictionary ? Je le consulte presque nuit et jours ! ... Ciao Jörn Objet : index De : reinhard.palm@bluewin.ch Date : 17 mars 2008 08:18:39 HNEC À : gerard.huet@inria.fr Cher Monsieur J'ai cherché le mot "bhastrika" sur votre admirable site. Ce mot est dans le Monnier-Williams de la racine "bhas" cl. 3. Comme c'est un mot trés courant dans le monde du Yoga (Pranayama) il est peut-être bien de le mentionner aussi dans votre index. Merci pour la grande aide de votre site!!! Bien à vous Reinhard Palm Objet : Namaste De : jayakum108@gmail.com Date : 28 avril 2008 03:39:42 HAEC À : gerard.huet@inria.fr Dear Mr. Gerard, My heartiest appreciation for providing a fascinating web site for us sanskrit lovers. In particular, I often use the conjugation and declension tables! Thanks, Jayakumar Houston, Texas, USA Objet : Rép : Comments to your wordform generation De : Prof Dr Gerd Unruh Date : 5 mai 2008 12:06:01 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Hello Gerard, ... We are using your data, thank you for your efforts! We are feeding them into a data base: a lexicon for roots and wordforms. All the best Gerd Objet : question about the sanskrit reader De : peter@pasedach.net Date : 18 mai 2008 09:10:44 HAEC À : gerard.huet@inria.fr Hello Gérard, thanks a lot for your work on the sanskrit ressources you're providing on the web, especially the sanskrit reader I find very useful. Regards Peter Objet : Your website has been added to Intute De : artsandhumanities@intute.ac.uk Date : 1 juin 2008 06:16:21 HAEC À : gerard.huet@inria.fr Dear Webmaster, This is to inform you that your website has been included in Intute: http://www.intute.ac.uk Intute is a free online service providing you with access to the very best Web resources for education and research, selected and evaluated by a network of subject specialists. The service is brought to you by a consortium of UK universities and partners. The full description and record of your site is visible here: The Sanskrit heritage site http://www.intute.ac.uk/artsandhumanities/cgi-bin/fullrecord.pl?handle=20080409-22551042 If you have any feedback please reply to this message indicating which record(s) you are referring to (if applicable). Please feel free to also let us know of other resources you think would be suitable for our users.. We hope that you will consider placing a link from your website to Intute. There are a number of ways you can do this, including embedding the Intute search tool in your website. For details of how to do this and our logo, please see http://www.intute.ac.uk/integration/ This is a one-off message, and you are not included in any mailing list. Regards, Intute Objet : lien cassé sur votre site sanskrit.inria.fr De : nadolski@synchrotron-soleil.fr Date : 19 octobre 2008 11:10:10 HAEC À : gerard.Huet@inria.fr Bonjour, Merci beaucoup pour la qualité de votre site sanskrit.inria.fr Il est très agréable à utiliser. Il me permet d'économiser de nombreuses heures de travail. ... Bien Cordialement, Laurent Nadolski. Objet : conjugation engine sanskrit De : james.hartzell@gmail.com Date : 14 janvier 2009 17:10:23 HNEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Dear Prof. Huet I am finding your declension engine and conjugation engine helpful for teaching first year Sanskrit, as none of the introductory books provide full conjugations or declensions sufficient to prevent student confusion. ... Best regards, and thank you for the very useful tool James Hartzell, PhD Instructor, Asian Studies and Religion University of Manitoba Objet : sanskrit exam site link- request De : helen.harper@zen.co.uk Date : 23 février 2009 14:04:41 HNEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Dear Mr Huet, I am the administrator for the St James International Sanskrit Exams Resource website www.sanskritexams.org.uk and having seen your very good `Links to Sanskrit Resources' site I was wondering whether you would be able and willing to add a link to our site. ... Best regards, Helen Harper Objet : Sanskrit grammar engines De : sathyau@gmail.com Date : 11 mars 2009 22:00:41 HNEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Dear Prof. Huet, I find the declension and conjugation engines on the Sanskrit Heritage site very useful in my study of sanskrit. Please accept my thanks for sharing these. I have a question and a possible feature request. Do the computational engines that generate the tables use the ashTAdhyAyI methodology to generate the forms. If so is it possible to provide an interface (maybe hyperlinks from the table) that allows one to see the derivation of the final form - listing the steps and sutras that were applied. Regards, Sathya Uppala Objet : question français sanskrit De : segura.pascale@orange.fr Date : 8 avril 2009 21:29:53 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Gérard Huet bonjour. En cherchant une aide pour traduire du français en sanskrit, je suis tombée sur votre remarquable travail de dictionnaire sanskrit-français en doc adobe PDF sanskrit.inria.fr/Dico.pdf. ... Pascale Ségura. Objet : Quelques conseils pour le sanskrit De : evelyne.zzz@XXX.YYY Date : 25 juillet 2009 10:37:56 HAEC À : gerard.huet@inria.fr Bonjour monsieur, Votre nom m'était inconnu jusqu'à ce jour, où je viens de découvrir le site sanskrit.inria.fr, que je trouve absolument épatant. Je souhaite étudier le sanskrit, et ne sais par quoi commencer. ... Merci d'avance pour vos conseils. Evelyne LIKHTART Objet : correction dictionnaire De : XXX@YYY.ZZZ Date : 4 septembre 2009 12:18:38 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Cher Monsieur, En tant qu'indianiste, j'utilise souvent et avec profit votre dictionnaire sanskrit-français. C'est pourquoi je voudrais vous signaler une inexactitude: ... Avec mes meilleurs sentiments, Radu Bercea Bucarest, Roumanie Objet : Information About Sponsorship / Charity Donation. De : onlinetattootranslations@gmail.com Date : 12 septembre 2009 11:35:38 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Dear Webmaster / SIte Administrator, I am writing to you on behalf of: www.OnlineTattooTranslations.com. We are a small commercial organization providing Tattoo Translations in many languages. As a part of our business policy, we regularly donate a part of our earnings to charitable and quality organizations especially the ones that provide free but quality products and services on Internet. Towards the fulfillment of this goal of social responsibility initiative, we would like to donate US $25 in recognition of the efforts your website has made. In recognition of our donation, we would appreciate the placemt of following html code on the homepage of your website. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Online Tattoo Translations - Expert translations in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Hebrew, Chinese, Hindi, and Gujarati for tattoos, names and sentences -------------------------------------------------------------------- Please let us know your comments, so we can send the donation ASAP. Wishing your organization all the best in future and awaiting your reply. Sincerely Yours, Jaydeep P. info@onlinetattootranslations.com Objet : Rép : Information About Sponsorship / Charity Donation. De : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Date : 12 septembre 2009 16:27:52 HAEC À : onlinetattootranslations@gmail.com My Sanskrit site being hosted by my research organisation, I am not authorized to post publicity links to commercial sites. Likewise, I cannot accept your donation, although the intention is gratefully received. What I can do is list your site on the page linking to external sites related to Sanskrit, at url http://sanskrit.inria.fr/portal.html which you reach in 1 click at link "Portal" on the green bottom area of my site. You will be listed as: Expert translations in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Hebrew, Chinese, Hindi, and Gujarati for tattoos, names and sentences in the section "Commercial sites", at my next release, if this suits you. It is always nice to receive compliments about your work, and I'll include your message in my "Testimonials" database. Thank you for your interest in the Sanskrit Heritage effort, and all my best wishes for your own venture. Gérard Objet : alphabet sanskrit De : agot@XXX.YYY Date : 26 octobre 2009 17:42:32 HNEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Répondre à : agot@ulb.ac.be J'ai découvert votre dictionnaire encyclopédique sanskrit en ligne il y a peu et désire l'utiliser comme source pour mes étudiants dans le cadre d'un cours qui joint anthropologie, mathématiques et linguistique. .... Alain Gottcheiner Université Libre de Bruxelles- Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Sciences Sociales Objet : sanskrit De : dimamuzhetsky@catholic.org Date : 26 octobre 2009 15:23:19 HNEC À : gerard.huet@inria.fr Please inform me of any web resources to do splitting of sandhi-ed already into a junction sanskrit sentences into separate words,from which the junctions originally appeared.Ones reminding THE SANDHI ENGINE You mastered or other.By the way,nice job,thanks.You also might consider my idea:to do the sanskrit-french dictionary You kindly presented also translating into english.Your dictionary is attractive externally unlike other ones.Work with it brings pleasure & desire to study sanskrit,but french only a version might be not all You should consider to do.Accept my thanks for the job & congratulations,Dima Objet : Chere Monsieur Huet, Je voudais en remerciement pour votre dictionnaire. De : sudaporn_khiewngamdee@hotmail.com Date : 24 novembre 2009 18:32:00 HNEC À : gerard.huet@inria.fr Chere Monsieur Huet, Je suis Thai. Je sais le francais un petit peu. Je suis en train d'apprendre le Sanskrit a Universite de Silpakorn. Je vois votre website Sanskrit. C'est tres tres utile sur des eleves de Sanskrit. Je download votre dictionnaire (Gerard Huet) pour utiliser d'etudier. Vous faisiez tres bien Lexique Sanskrit-francais. Je pense qu'il peux etre facile sur lire. Vous donnez bien l'education pour des eleves. Je voudais merci beaucoup sur vous. Je recois beaucoup l'utilisation de votre website, dictionnaire et dictionaire online (conjuger verb, noun, participle,ect). Mes Professeurs Sanskrit sont alles aussi meeting a World Sanskrit Conference. Institute de Sanskrit ou j'etudier, ne bien plutot pas encore savoir pour Institute de world Sanskrit. Mais, dans le future, Je pense que mon institute Sanskrit studies center, il saura bien pour le monde de Sanskrit parce que maitenant, il y a des etrangers pour etudier. Enfin, Je dois encore en remercie beaucoup pour votre don de connaissance. *Je dois vous excuser de mon francais parce que mon francais n'est pas bon, s'il a le grammaire de se tromper. (Et j'espere que vous allez lire mon E-mail.) Cordialement Sudaporn Khiew-ngamdee Objet : Sanskrit Grammar - Perfekt of bandh De : matthias.ahlborn@mail.uni-wuerzburg.de Date : 14 décembre 2009 12:21:25 HNEC À : gerard.huet@inria.fr Dear Gerard Huet, your Sanskrit grammar is one of the greatest and most useful tools for teaching / learning / reading Sanskrit. I always recommend it to our Students, additional to conventional grammars. ... Yours, Matthias Matthias Ahlborn http://www.indologie.uni-wuerzburg.de/bhasa/rahmen.html From: Shibani Date: 2009/12/30 Subject: Re: Mirror of Gerard huet's site To: amba kulkarni Dear Amba Amma, Hari OM ! Took a while going through this site - it is quite incredible - so much work being done for Devabhasa Sanskrit. May I share this url with others? Pranaams to Prof. Gerard Huet for this work !!! Thank you for sharing. With love and regards, shibani 2009/12/24 amba kulkarni Hari Om, Mirror of Gerard Huet's site is available on our server at http://sanskrit.uohyd.ernet.in/Heritage_platform/ Now it accepts input in WX notation. Hari Om, Amba Objet : Sanskrit Heritage: input through IAST scheme De : Tom Söderlund Date : 10 janvier 2010 21:25:07 HNEC À : GH Huet Répondre à : t-om@iki.fi Dear Gérard, Thanks for your great Sanskrit site, sanskrit.inria.fr. ... Thanks for consideration! Best regards, -tom Objet : Site de "Sanskrit heritage dictionary" De : daniele.tremblay@XXX.YYY Date : 27 avril 2010 15:06:28 HAEC À : gerard.huet@inria.fr Répondre à : daniele.tremblay@orange.fr Monsieur, J'utilise souvent votre site "Sanskrit heritage dictionary" avec un grand bonheur car il facilite mon travail d'étudiante en sanskrit. ... Pour moi qui débute dans l'étude du sanskrit, votre site est d'une aide précieuse, j'y ai recours en permanence et je le recommande à ceux de mes amis qui ne le connaissent pas encore. ... Avec mes remerciements pour votre aimable réponse et mes sincères salutations. Danièle Tremblay 54 rue de Cormeilles 95220 - Herblay Objet : Rép : [INDOLOGY] order of letters De : hwtull@msn.com Date : 25 mai 2010 13:36:55 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Gérard: ... I, for one, am a great admirer of your Sanskrit work (though I know from looking at your website, this must be but a small corner of your work)! regards, Herman Tull Objet : Sanskrit Heritage website De : imurchie@gmail.com Date : 28 juin 2010 04:42:55 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Good morning Dr. Huet, I hope all is well. I was just using the conjugation engine on your Sanskrit Grammarian website (which is, by the way, a boon. Thank you very much) and came across what seems to me to be an error. The desiderative (san) for of the root gam would appear to have an errant 'y' in the affix (http://sanskrit.inria.fr/cgi-bin/sktconjug?t=VH&q=gam&c=1&font=roma). Should it not be jigami.sati, etc., instead of jigami.syati? Thanks for all the hard work that has gone into the site. Yours, Isaac A. Murchie. Objet : translittération De : laurence.lebail@free.fr Date : 1 août 2010 17:44:00 HAEC À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Cher Monsieur, doctorante en esthétique sur la danse indienne Odissi, je ne suis pas sanskritiste mais suis amenée à réfléchir et utiliser des termes sanskrits régulièrement, et votre dictionnaire Sanskrit - Français m'est très précieux. Toutefois un détail de votre translittération reste obscur pour moi : aussi je prends la liberté de vous consulter. Vous utilisez, en plus des voyelles classiques dites pleines (non accentuées) et longues (surmontées d'un trait horizontal), des voyelles assorties de ce qui s'appelle en Français un accent aigu, dont il ne me semble qu'il soit fait mention en préface. Pourriez-vous m'indiquer à quoi il correspond ? Par avance, merci de votre aide bienveillante. Avec mes salutations respectueuses, Laurence Le Bail From: Tirumala Kulakarni Date: 2010/10/7 Subject: Re: {भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्} Fwd: About Sanskrit Wikisource To: bvparishat@googlegroups.com Cc: shijualexonline@gmail.com Dears, [...] For instance - http://sanskrit.inria.fr/portal.html - this page lists almost all links to Sanskrit resources. TK Objet : votre sanskrit dictionnaire en unicode? De : Gary Yuen Date : 15 octobre 2010 11:51:09 HAEC À : GH Huet Bonjour, Un grand merci pour tout votre effort et le dictionnaire magnifique. Parfois, j'aimerais le chercher en devanagari. J'en ai d'autres PDFs unicode où on peut en chercher. En avez-vous des plans, c'est possible? Merci. Je m'excuse pour mon français abominable. :) Gary Objet : mathematical research on sanskrit grammar De : leokarnebeek@t-online.de Date : 31 octobre 2010 20:36:39 HNEC À : GH Huet Dear Mr.Huet, Professor Bisschop from Leiden university in Holland kindly referred to you when I asked about mathematical research on sanskrit grammar. It is a great honour for me to be in contact with you. Is it possible for you to inform me what the present state of analysing sanskrit grammar is using abstract mathematical concepts? Together with my wife I have a company in Holland called Ganita (mathematics) offering mathematical services. In a book called- The absolute theory of defence - by maharishi mahesh yogi (the inventor of the apaurusheya bhasya of the ved) the investigation in grammatical structures is mentioned using abstract mathematical concepts. Your profound knowledge of both sanskrit and mathematics will allow us to make fast progress in understanding and utilising the beautiful language of sanskrit. Thank you very very much in advance, Yours Truly Leo Karnebeek Objet : Sanskrit Primer app De : Krishna Varma Date : 24 novembre 2010 21:06:50 HNEC À : GH Huet [...] Since your portal is a great resource for anyone seeking to study Sanskrit [...] Thanks for your time. -Krishna Objet : I have a question about sanskrit.inria.fr De : Jessica Brooks Date : 6 janvier 2011 19:44:12 HNEC À : GH Huet Hi, My name is Jessica Brooks. I visited sanskrit.inria.fr earlier today and I just wanted to congratulate you on a well presented, and informative web site. I found your website in dmoz.org/Science/Social_Sciences/Linguistics/Languages/Natural/Indo-European/Indo-Iranian/Indo-Aryan/Sanskrit and would like to list your site on a similar section of our site, Peak Directory. I have spent a lot of time and effort to ensure that my visitors gain the maximum benefit from the information I have to offer, and your site is a perfect fit. [...] Best wishes, Jessica Brooks Jessica-Brooks@PeakDirectory.com The Peak Directory. (Visit: http://www.PeakDirectory.com) The Peak Directory was developed in 2005 as an online search aid with constantly updated categories and fresh topics. Our staff works diligently to create a database of links to the Web's best resources for some of the most sought after and researched topics. Unlike many directories, all of our links are hand selected by members of our staff. Our editors personally assess each submission and search for quality sites to include. Objet : Rép : [INDOLOGY] Offline Sanskrit Resources De : James Hegarty Date : 10 février 2011 16:43:38 HNEC À : Gérard Huet Dear Prof. Huet, Thank you for this! Your site is already a mainstay of my Sanskrit teaching! I am grateful for the opportunity to thank you in person for such a wonderful resource! I will look into downloading some of the materials on the site. I had not thought to do this. With All Best Wishes, James Objet : Typos in sanskrit.inria.fr XML De : Arun Date : 24 février 2011 04:32:39 HNEC À : GH Huet Hello Dr. Huet, First, thank you very much for making an inflected list of Sanskrit verbs and participles available through your website. I am currently writing a Sanskrit tagger, and so far your XML files have been tremendously helpful. With any luck, I should be able to handle a simple text like the Bhagavad Gita by this weekend. I am writing, however, to bring to your attention some typos in SL_parts.xml. ... Thank you again for providing this list. It has truly been a gift. - Arun Prasad Date: Sat, 09 Jul 2011 13:05:47 +0200 From: Bernard Lombart Subject: Re: extension Firefox dictionnaire sanskrit ... J'aime bien ce dictionnaire à cause de sa facilité d'emploi (en particulier cette possibilité d'interrogation sans diacritiques). Et puis, l'on y apprend beaucoup de choses (la parenté de "chouraver", le lien entre "khan- khanati" et "canal", auquel ne n'aurais jamais pensé, les références aux textes épiques...) Je trouve que Huet est un excellent professeur, et ce petit outil ne fait qu'alléger la consultation de ses pages. Bernard Lombart Eddie Hadley, Aug 18, 2:23 am http://groups.google.com/group/samskrita/browse_thread/thread/e3ac5dea945d3ec0 Vishvas, For my own use, I have developed some tools over the past decade or so, whereby I mouse-click on an inflected word e.g. पण्डिताः in a source text and have the part of speech indicated, the stem extracted and automatically displayed in my local version of the MW dictionary. The source text can be in either or both scripts. (I first ran my conversion program to generate the IAST.) I have made use of Coulson’s declensions and Huet’s conjugations. I must add that I have permission from the copyright owners of the MW, and Huet provides free download access for his tables. The substantive inflections I have taken from Coulson’s book and other sources. So they should be reliable. These are simple tools, designed to aid translation and interpretation, the grammatical aspects merely a means to that end. Please see the attached pngs for a better example than this below. The dictionary is currently having some work done to enable acceptance of ‘fuzzy spelling’ searches. Eddie Re: [Samskrita] Sanskrit morphological analysis, inflected-word dictionary pointers. https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=603d547f78413eff&page=browse... अहं संस्कृत-सुसंस्कृत-सेवायै संगणक-उपकरण-निर्माणेन कार्यं किञ्चित् समर्पितुं इच्छामि (ahṃ saṃskṛta-susaṃskṛta-sevāyai saṃgaṇaka-upakaraṇa-nirmāṇena kāryaṃ kiñcit samarpituṃ icchāmi)। इदानीं उत्तमं अगुप्त-विवरण-युक्तं (idānīṃ uttamaṃ agupta-vivaraṇa-yuktaṃ) morphological analysis उपकरणं च संपूर्ण-विभक्ति-प्रत्यय-युक्त-पदानां शब्दकोशं अन्वेषयन् अस्मि (upakaraṇaṃ ca saṃpūrṇa-vibhakti-pratyaya-yukta-padānāṃ śabdakośaṃ anveṣayan asmi)। पण्डिताः कृपया निर्देशयन्तु (paṇḍitāḥ kṛpayā nirdeśayantu)। paṇḍitāḥ -āḥ a paṇḍita mfn. m. nom. voc. pl. f. nom. voc. acc. pl. paṇḍita, m. nom. pl., m. voc. pl. paṇḍita Shreevatsava R Aug 18 2011, 1:01 pm http://groups.google.com/group/samskrita/browse_thread/thread/e3ac5dea945d3ec0 2011/8/18 vishvAs vAsuki > English summary: I seek good open source morphological analysis/ > construction tools and dictionaries of fully inflected words for Sanskrit > which I can use for some tool making and NLP work. The following are the best resources available online that I know. If you find (or make) anything better, please let me know. 1. The Sanskrit Heritage site run by Gérard Huet http://sanskrit.inria.fr has a lot of morphological tools: * declension of nouns, conjugation of verbs: http://sanskrit.inria.fr/DICO/grammar.html * a sandhi tool: http://sanskrit.inria.fr/DICO/sandhi.html * a "reader" that can parse, segment, etc. phrases: http://sanskrit.inria.fr/DICO/reader.html [For instance if you're reading the Ramayana and come across the verse "अनया चित्रया वाचा त्रिस्थानव्यञ्जनस्थया / कस्य नाराध्यते चित्तमुद्यतासेररेरपि //" and you are not sure how to read the last part, this amazing tool can help: http://sanskrit.inria.fr/cgi-bin/sktreader?t=KH&st=t&us=f&cp=f&text=c... (correctly) that it is cittam + udyata + aseH + areH + api, along with each word's case, etc.] 2. Then there is http://sanskritlibrary.org/ (by Peter Scharf etc.) which also has a few tools: http://sanskrit1.ccv.brown.edu/tomcat/sl/Tools 3. There is Oliver Hellwig's website http://kjc-fs-cluster.kjc.uni-heidelberg.de/dcs/index.php which provides some limited access to results from his Sanskrit Tagger. (Or at least it says so; I haven't been able to figure out how to use the website or what exactly it offers.) Unfortunately, none of these seems to be open-source, but * since you also asked for dictionaries, Gerard Huet has generously made available a dictionary/databank of inflected forms under the LGPL for linguistic resources, at http://sanskrit.inria.fr/DATA/XML/ * many of their ideas have been published in academic papers, for instance Hellwig's approach is described in this paper among others: http://sanskrit.inria.fr/Symposium/DOC/Hellwig.pdf Eddie Hadley, Aug 18 2011, 2:23 am http://groups.google.com/group/samskrita/browse_thread/thread/e3ac5dea945d3ec0 Vishvas, The sites mentioned are not corporate, they are academic, and quite accessible. Huet’s in particular I have found invaluable when it comes to resolution of saṃdhi, amongst other matters. ... Eddie Objet : site web sanskrit.inria.fr De : Georges-Marie CHATELAIN Date : 30 août 2011 16:17:33 HAEC À : GH Huet Répondre à : gm.chatelain@archelle.fr Mr CHATELAIN Georges-Marie Bonjour, ... Merci pour votre travail admirable sur le sanskrit Cordialement Georges-Marie Objet : Rép : Problème racine AD De : Christophe Vielle Date : 30 août 2011 18:36:19 HAEC À : Gérard Huet Toujours en utilisation intensive de votre fabuleux outil pour checking des formes de la grammaire d'Hanxleden, j'y note pour AD, atti, que le système génère 2e-3e s. impft A 'aat' là où le dhaaturuupaprapañca (no. 30) donne, comme Whitney, aada.h et aadat. Bien cordialement, Christophe Vielle -- http://www.uclouvain.be/christophe.vielle http://belgianindology.blogs.lalibre.be/ http://www.uclouvain.be/356389.html Objet : Hello professor. De : Everton Vieira Date : 23 septembre 2011 16:13:18 HAEC À : GH Huet Répondre à : Everton Vieira Hello professor. I was using the sankrit sandhi engine, it's look like to me great work and very reliable. I've been using in the studies i've been made... Greetings their professor. Everton Objet : Permission Request for 'The Sanskrit Heritage Sit...' De : Alexander Ovsov Date : 14 décembre 2011 15:41:47 HNEC À : GH Huet Hello, I've known you website for ages, strictly speaking from year 2006. I found interesting your publication "The Sanskrit Heritage Site" which I googled on http://sanskrit.inria.fr/faq.html ! I'd love to use it in a project I'm involved with called "Geek Science", so I'm seeking your permission for translation to Romanian language. "Geek Science" is a freemium-model non-English language orientated startup with collection of scientific articles, personal notes etc. in several languages that is collaboratively edited by volunteers from around the world since 1999. Young and old, students and professors - even your neighbor could be a volunteer member. If you agree, we will credit you for your work in the resulting translation's references by stating that it was based on your work and is used with your permission, and by mentioning the name of my project "Geek Science" back to: http://sanskrit.inria.fr/faq.html Thank you for your time and patience. I look forward to your response next week. --- Wishing you the best, Alexander Ovsov Târgu Mureș, Romania (GMT +2) 14.12.2011 Objet : dictionnaire de sanskrit De : Guillaume Jacques Date : 22 décembre 2011 12:06:16 HNEC À : GH Huet Cher monsieur, J'apprécie beaucoup votre site sur le sanskrit, et me sers de votre dictionnaire dictionnaire depuis de longues années - je l'ai aussi présenté à mes étudiants dans un cours d'introduction au sanskrit que j'ai donné pendant quelques années à Paris 5. J'aurais deux suggestions concernant votre dictionnaire, qui pourraient être relativement facile à implémenter (ne les prenez pas s'il vous plaît comme des critiques de votre travail). ... J'ai commencé à lire vos articles, et votre travail me donne envie de me mettre à OCaml et d'utiliser votre "toolkit", qui pourrait avoir des applications assez larges en linguistique descriptive et même en linguistique historique. Bonne journée, Guillaume Jacques -- Guillaume Jacques CNRS (CRLAO) - INALCO http://xiang.free.fr http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/export_listeperso_xml.php?url_id=0000000003849 Objet : Possible bug/missing feature in the Sandhi engine? De : Nityanand Misra Date : 26 décembre 2011 03:28:59 HNEC À : Gérard Huet Dear Dr. Huet By way of introduction, I am Nityanand Misra, a quant working in investment banking in Hong Kong. One of my passions in Sanskrit, and I use your site often for my work. ... Regards, Nityanand -- Nityānanda Miśra http://nmisra.googlepages.com || आत्मा तत्त्वमसि श्वेतकेतो || (Thou art from/for/of/in That Ātman, O Śvetaketu) - Ṛṣi Uddālaka to his son, Chāndogyopaniṣad 6.8.7, The Sāma Veda Objet : Rép : Namastte De : Vasuvaj Date : 8 janvier 2012 18:12:23 HNEC À : GH Huet Dear Sri Gerard Huet Namaste It was nice meeting you today. You have done a great work for all Sanskrit enthusiasts. ... Bhavadiiyah, Vasuvaj 10.35PM 8.1.2012 Objet : Chere M. Huet, Je voudais demander de l'education de Sanskrit a France De : สุดาพร เขียวงามดี Date : 11 mars 2012 17:33:15 HNEC À : GH Huet Cher Monsieur Huet. Je suivre toujours votre website sanskrit. il est tres tres util. ... Cordialement Sudaporn Objet : Error message at Sanskrit Heritage site De : R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar Date : 22 mars 2012 13:45:22 HNEC À : GH Huet Dear Sir, First, may I express my deep appreciation for what you have done at the Sanskrit Heritage site. I realized many years ago that Sanskrit grammatical declensions and conjugations were amenable to computerized generation. Indeed, I feel that the entire vocabulary of Sanskrit may be algorithmically derived. It was a pleasure to see some of these ideas actually implemented at your site. I have now encountered an error message at your site that I feel I should report. ... Thank you kindly. Chandra 22 Mar 2012 P.S. I will link to your site from the Sanskrit page of my my soon-to-be-revamped website. -- ------------------ R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar Web: http://swanlotus.com email: chyavana@gmail.com ------------------ Envoyé: Lundi 28 Mai 2012 13:32:13 Objet: [webinterne] Site INRIA : Demande d'informations sur un contenu Nom : Giuseppe Prénom : Ferraro E-mail : giueppeferraroXXX@yahoo.com.br Message : Dear Inria, I am looking for the existence of print editions of Gérard Heutès works on Sanskrit language (currently available on PDF). Em particular, I am referring to the "Dictionnaire sanskrit-français" and to the four Volumes dedicated to the "Formes fléchies du sanscrit": substantifs, racines, participes and indéclinables. I take this opportunity to express my admiration and gratitude to Mr. Huet for this extraordinary tool he made available to the indological community. With my best regards, Giuseppe Ferraro LinkedIn: Cristian Andrei has sent you a message. Date: 4/09/2012 Subject: samskritabhasa Congratulations for your works in Sanskrit. Cristian Andrei. Objet : errata à votre "héritage du sanskrit" De : Xavier Faure Date : 27 avril 2012 18:50:33 HAEC À : GH Huet M. Huet, je connais votre dictionnaire sanskrit-français depuis quelques mois : merci pour ce travail remarquable que vous mettez généreusement à la disposition de tous. Le modeste étudiant en sanskrit que je suis en profite régulièrement, heureux de l'avoir "sous la main", dans ma liseuse. Je suis enseignant de Lettres Classiques et mon attention s'est récemment portée sur les racines gréco-latines que vous donnez dans quelques articles de votre dictionnaire. ... [erratum] ... Quelle que soit votre réponse, je réitère mes remerciements pour votre admirable travail et vous prie d'accepter mes salutations les plus respectueuses. M. Faure Objet : print editions of Huet´s works on sanskrit De : giuseppe ferraro Date : 28 mai 2012 13:42:20 HAEC À : GH Huet Dear Mr. Huet, I hope to reach you by this email. I am looking for the existence of print (available on sale) editions of your works on Sanskrit language (currently available online in PDF). Em particular, I am referring to the "Dictionnaire sanskrit-français" and to the four Volumes dedicated to the "Formes fléchies du sanscrit": substantifs, racines, participes and indéclinables. I take this opportunity to express my admiration and gratitude to you for this extraordinary tool you made available to the indological community. With my best regards, Giuseppe Ferraro Objet : dico De : François Picard Date : 26 juillet 2012 16:32:26 HAEC À : GH Huet Namaste, cher collègue, j'ai découvert votre Dictionnaire sanskrit-français grâce à Patrick Kersalé, qui vous cite dans un ouvrage à paraître sur les instruments de musique du Cambodge, et je me suis empressé de signaler à mes jeunes nombreux collègues indianistes et néanmoins ehtnomusicologues sa nouvelle version en ligne. J'ai apprécié également, comme je pouvais m'y attendre, votre page http://yquem.inria.fr/~huet/ namaskāra François Picard professeur d'ethnomusicologie directeur de l'EA Patrimoines et Langages Musicaux chercheur au GSRL (Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcité) université Paris-Sorbonne Francois.Picard@paris-sorbonne.fr http://www.plm.paris-sorbonne.fr/ Objet : Research in Sanskrit computational linguistics and sciences De : Makarand Kane Date : 27 juillet 2012 18:46:07 HAEC À : GH Huet Makarand M Kane Manager, Advanced Engineering, Engineering Research Centre, TATA Motors, Pune 27th July, 2012 Gerard Huet, INRIA, France Dear Sir, नमो नमः महोदय! I am writing to express my interest to work in a project related to Samskrit and Science and hence to seek your guidance regarding the same. ... Let me thank (and congratulate) you for the excellent collection of current research in Samskrit on the Samskrit Heritage Website. You have addressed a very important need of such a collection. It particularly have helped me to look for who all are working in my area of interest. I have also visited Samskrit Grammarian and other resources. They have also solved long awaited tool for Samskrit students and scholars. It must have been a herculean task to do all this. I am also happy to see your webpage - a wide variety of fields of interest and achievements in the same. Such portfolios inspire me to pursue interests in widespread areas. ... Thanks and regards, -- MAKARAND M KANE. मकरंद मुकुंद काणे. Engineering Research Centre (ERC) Tata Motors Ltd, Pune Objet : Réponses : hits de Clément Chatelain De : Chatelain.eu Date : 1 août 2012 18:56:04 HAEC À : GH Huet Namo namaH [...] c’est moi qui me connecte presque quotidiennement à votre très intéressant sur le Sanskrit (je travaille sur le dictionnaire pour essayer de traduire des phrase, et étudier la conjugaison et les déclinaisons.).[...] Je suis Informaticien (en retraite depuis peu) et accessoirement passionné de l’inde (et du Sanskrit en particulier). Après avoir suivie durant 5 ans les cours de Mr Fussman, je me suis enfin décidé à m’inscrire en Licence de Sanskrit à la rentrée 2012 (d’où mon activité sur votre site pour me mettre à niveau !!) J’en profite pour vous demander l’autorisation d’imprimer (à usage perso) votre dictionnaire (je fais aussi un peu de reliure) : ceci me sera certainement utile pour les cours dès cet automne. J’ai eu le plaisir d’assister à votre démonstration lors du récent SAMSKRITADIVASA Je vous envoie un lien vers la petit film que j’ai fait sur le Petit prince, et le photos de la journée.[...] Any questions : Chatelain Georges-Marie +33 235 89 27 47 DhanyavaadaH Georges-Marie Objet : Searching Apte's Sanskrit dictionary - request for help De : tk gopalan Date : 7 août 2012 17:58:34 HAEC À : gerard huet Dear Monsieur Gerard Huet, Bonjour. I am a friend of N. It was X who made me aware of your Sanskrit Heritage web site. I had downloaded your Sanskrit-french dictionary and have been using it extensively. It was a delight to use, it always worked for me (and the fonts were beautiful!). Recently, however, I discovered and have been putting to good use the stemmer and other resources offered by the grammar feature, and I was never once disappointed. The capital thing about this site is its utter user friendliness and its reliability. And it was sheer inertia that I did not write and tell you all this earlier than this. ... I am already deeply indebted to you for your generous web site. Shall equally appreciate your help now. With kindest regards, sincerely, gopalan TK Objet : Rép : sanskrit morphology files De : Roberto Cappuccio Date : 22 août 2012 09:39:09 HAEC À : Gérard Huet ... When I first started searching the web for NLP tools for Sanskrit, I was disappointed by the lack of interest shown by the scientific community in a language that should instead be regarded as our best opportunity to get close to our linguistic roots. My original interest was in Proto Indo European, since tracks of PIE roots can be found in many names used by all known religions. PIE, though, was a spoken language and no written trace of it is available, so we only have reconstructions which are more or less accurate and reliable. Sanskrit seems closer to PIE than every other language and its roots are very similar to those of PIE, so I started learning Sanskrit. I have to say that it helps me a lot in my research. Your NLP tools for Sanskrit are really good and complete, so I will not try to rewrite them. What I would like to have is an offline version of them, so that I (or anyone else) could feed them with full texts and get a complete morpho-syntactic analysis of them. No translation engine is available from Sanskrit to English (or any other modern language), so your tools may constitute the basis for an automatic translator. Moreover, I would like to be able to write in Sanskrit, and I would appreciate an instrument capable of checking my writings (or to suggest a translation). For obtaining good results in this field, term disambiguation and context recognition are needed, so a Sanskrit Wordnet would be necessary (I have seen that there are attempts to build something like that). Sandhi viccheda is the first thing I will study. Your publications will be very useful for that. A question: do you think that tools like yours could be created for PIE? If so, would you be interested in that? Thanks for you work and your advices Roberto Objet : online sanskrit lemmatizer De : Wilo Denja Date : 3 novembre 2012 03:47:18 HNEC À : GH Huet Dear Dr. Huet, I have a question about your online Sanskrit lemmatizer, which I've just discovered and played with. ... I think the tools you have developed are wonderful, and I'm very grateful for you making them available to us to use. Thank you for your time, Wilo Denja Objet : sandhi De : Guy Leavitt Date : 7 décembre 2012 15:28:30 HNEC À : GH Huet Dear Dr. Huet, First I should note my thanks to all that you have accomplished with your remarkable tools for the study of Sanskrit. You will be sung in the praśastis of Sanskrit students for a long time to come. I am embarrassed to write you about extremely minor points in light of the scope and usefulness of these tools; I hope not to take up too much of your time in the process, at least. On the off chance that you're not aware of a few minor issues with the sandhi analyzer, I thought I'd send a few screenshots to bring them to your attention. The only substantive one is the first (तान्नत्र), in which doubling is applied after a long vowel, though the doubling should only happen after a short vowel. The other screenshots just show that the program has gone on to write the words together after performing the correct sandhi (मुनीरामेण instead of मुनी रामेण, ता गच्छन्ति instead of तागच्छन्ति, and रामोगच्छति instead of रामो गच्छति). As you see, all minor issues... Again, apologies to write with such trivial issues. And many thanks for your service to Sanskrit studies. I look forward to making your acquaintance before too long. best wishes, Guy Leavitt Guy Leavitt Lecturer in Sanskrit Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies Columbia University 401 Knox Hall, MC9628 606 West 122nd St, New York, NY 10027 (212) 854-1304 De : L Srini Srinivasakrishnan via LinkedIn Date : 19 décembre 2012 13:50:56 HNEC À : Gérard Huet I use your grammaticalizer site and also read your articles on Sanskrit Computation. - L Srini Srinivasakrishnan Objet : Questions sur le dictionnaire sanskrit/français (sanskrit.inria.fr) De : Chatelain.eu Date : 28 décembre 2012 18:24:23 HNEC À : GH Huet Répondre à : georges@chatelain.eu De Mr CHATELAIN Georges-Marie 55 rue St Patrice 76000 ROUEN Bonjour Monsieur, Tout d’abord je tiens à vous remercier pour l’outils sanskrit.inria.fr que vous mettez à notre disposition. Je l’ai fait découvrir aux élèves du cours de licence de cette année : ils en sont enchantés. Celui-ci m’est maintenant indispensable pour mes cours de Sanskrit, j’en découvre tous les jours de nouvelle fonctionnalités. La double entrée Sanskrit Heritage /Monier-williams m’est devenu familière depuis que je me suis « cassé les dents » sur une racine que je n’ai pas su trouvé dans le 1er ; depuis je consulte systématiquement le Monier William lorsque je n’ai pas trouvé dans Sanskrit Heritage et cela est souvent payant. Lors de votre conférence à la SANMSKRITADIVASA du 30 Juin, vous aviez évoqué le projet de faire une version portable de votre moteur. Cela est -il fait ?. Dans ce cas je serais intéressé, cela me permettra d’utiliser votre produit lorsque je ne suis pas en ligne (Train, intercours) Je vous signale un petit « bug » sans trop de conséquence : votre générateur de .pdf (depuis latex je suppose) créé un saut de colonne inapproprié dans le début de liste d’abréviation (page 7), ce qui la fait commencer en colonne 2 et étaler sur 3 page au lieu de 2 avant, une balise de saut de colonne en trop je suppose. En vous exprimant toute ma gratitude pour ce produit tout à fait indispensable pour mes études, Je vous présente mes meilleurs vœux pour 2013 Cordialement, Georges-Marie Objet : Rép : [INDOLOGY] Corrigendum: Improved Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Platform De : Lubin, Tim Date : 5 janvier 2013 15:20:38 HNEC À : Gérard Huet Dear Gérard, I happened to notice two typos on your English site: Thomas MALTEN, not Molten, and under "Lemmatizer," KNOW not known. A very useful site, thanks. Best, Timothy Lubin Professor of Religion and Lecturer in Religion and Law Washington and Lee University Lexington, Virginia 24450 Chercheur associé, Département d'Indologie Institut français de Pondichéry Pondicherry, India De : Doug Ovaitt via LinkedIn Date : 19 janvier 2013 18:48:34 HNEC À : Gérard Huet Répondre à : Doug Ovaitt Hello Gerard I have read some of your excellent papers on Sanskrit Computational Linguistics, and used the SH website. Thanks for doing so much to promote the field of SCL, including the Symposiums. I hope to attend in the future. Please include me in your network. Thanks! Douglas Eddie on Google sanskrita group Jan 31 2013 Huet’s Sanskrit Heritage Site http://sanskrit.inria.fr/index.fr.html will accept Sanskrit words and phrases (in various scripts) and parse (analyse) the words into their grammatical elements. Click on the resulting stem words to look them up in Huet’s (French) dictionary - or copy them for looking up elsewhere in such as the English Monier-Williams. Read the Help page, for how to use the site. However, Sanskrit is a sophisticated language, as has been said, but all that is really required to use this site, is some knowledge of the technical terms used with the grammar. Eddie From http://www.ubcsanskrit.ca/acknowledgements.html UBC Sanskrit: Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the following authors and works for their influence on the content and structure of this website: ... This site also uses linguistic data from Gérard Huet's Sanskrit Heritage Site & Sanskrit Heritage Dictionary Objet : Compliments for a wonderful website De : Nikhil Gandhi Date : 19 mai 2013 17:41:05 HAEC À : GH Huet Namaste, I have been using the Declension and Conjugation Engines on your website for a long time now, and only today I took the time to explore all the other features and tools. You have done wonderful work and I am very grateful that you have made this contribution to the community of Sanskritists. I myself teach Sanskrit in Toronto on a voluntary basis and have found your website an invaluable resource for my students. Please let me know if I can make any kind of contribution to your efforts. All the best, Nikhil Gandhi Objet : erratum De : Etter Nicolas Date : 26 mai 2013 14:38:53 HAEC À : GH Huet Cher Monsieur, Vous trouverez ci-dessous une petite erreur à corriger en votre fort apprécié dictionnaire. Meilleurs messages, N.E. Objet : Sanskrit De :guy meunier Date: 17 juillet 2013 18:16 À : Gerard.Huet@inria.fr Bonjour, je me suis permis de prendre et d'utiliser votre formidable dictionnaire sanskrit/français, en format PDF. ... In http://www.hinduwisdom.info/Sanskrit.htm (read oct 20th, 2013) The Sanskrit Heritage Site - This site does not provide just a Sanskrit dictionary (where meanings are in French), but rather a comprehensive set of tools for Sanskrit processing: declension and conjugation engines, sandhi processor, and a segmenter/tagger/parser which analyses simple sentences and computes their shallow syntax. No understanding of French is required for using these tools. http://sanskrit.inria.fr:80/ Dans "Le Sanskrit" par la méthode ASSIMIL de Nalini Balbir, Assimil 2013, p. 731: http://sanskrit.inria.fr: "Sanskrit Heritage Site", ressources variées, y compris un logiciel permettant d'entrer une forme grammaticale et de connaître son identification. De: Harry Spier Date: 19 décembre 2013 À : Gérard Huet Muktabodha Digital Library Dear Gerard, firstly thank you very much for answering my question on parsing paṭupaṭīracarcāratām. Also your parsing tool is very impressive. I will be parsing a lot of compounds so I will give any relevent feedback. But the main reason I'm writing this is that I've just seen your involvement with the Sanskrit Library and your impressive background in computer science. So this is an invitation to have a look at the Muktabodha digital library (if you haven't already done so) and try out its search interface. ... Best wishes, Harry Spier Manager Digital Library Muktabodha Indological Research Institute Nityanand Misra on भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत् Google Group on 1/21/14:y For editing works in Saṁskṛta, I use many online resources for referring and searching digital Saṁskṛta text - for example GRETIL (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen), Cologne Digital Sanskrit dictionaries (Universität zu Köln), Pandanus (Univerzita Karlova v Praze), Sanskrit Heritage Site (INRIA), Digital Corpus of Sanskrit (Universität Heidelberg), Vedic Reserve (Maharshi University of Management), et cetera - all works of a professional set of people.y De: Thubtenrigzin À : GH Huet Date: 10 mars 2014 Objet: Dictionnaire Sanskrit-Français Bonjour, Cela fait déjà quelques années que je suis votre travail et télécharge les mises à jour de votre dictionnaire. Je vous remercie pour votre utile et excellent travail que vous mettez à disposition pour tous. ... De: Hanumantha Kasoji Object: Sanskrit Heritage Dictionary Dear Dr. Huet, Wondering if there is an English version of the 'Sanskrit Heritage Dictionary' available. If so, please send me a link. Thank you, Hanumantha. De: Hanumantha Kasoji À : GH Huet Date: 20 mars 2014 Object: Sanskrit Heritage Dictionary Dear Dr. Huet, Appreciate your quick response! It not only answers my question but also gives me a glimpse of future improvements with the Heritage Dictionary. It will be an awesome dictionary once your project is completed! Thanks! Thank you, Hanumantha. De: Ravi S. Rāmphal À : GH Huet Date: 13 avril 2014 Object: Sanskrit Engine Hi Mr. Huet, First, I would like to thank you for your extremely useful Sanskrit Engine! I wanted to inquire as to whether or not there is an API for your Sanskrit Engine in the works. All the best, Ravi On April 24th 2014, at the Institut Henri Poincaré's Semantics of proofs and certified mathematics kick-off meeting, Vladimir Voevodsky (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton) informed Gérard Huet that he was using the Sanskrit Heritage tools to read the Yogasūtra of Patañjali. De: Pavel Striz À : GH Huet Date: 26 avril 2014 Object: Sanskrit Heritage dictionary Good evening, Thank you for a very fine dictionary, http://sanskrit.inria.fr/Heritage.pdf Pavel, Czech Republic De: Bernard Lombart À : Gérard Huet Re: Robots... ... Épatant, le dictionnaire sous Goldendict ! Bien à vous, Bernard Lombart De: Ricardo Benadon À : Gérard Huet Date: 6 septembre 2014 Re: Héritage du Sanskrit Dictionnaire sanskrit-français Gèrard Huet Dear Mr. Huet, In the year 2001 I began compilating from selected different sources a Sanskrit- Spanish dictionary. Among those sources is your "Lexique sanskrit-français a l’usage de glossaire indianiste", downloaded in pdf. Some months ago I finished my basic work, and started the correction and reviewing process, and I saw almost by chance your latest updating, in August 2014. I realised there is an enormous amount of data added to the original version I worked with, for I didn't now until now, about your permanent updating. This is why I decided not to add all the new data, and although somewhat incomplete, keep it as it is. I'm taking the liberty to send you the first page, same for every letter, where your above mentioned Lexique is cited among other authors, as well as some other pages to better illustrate my work. ... Very much indebted to your formidable work, I remain very truly yours. Ricardo Benadon DE: Gilles Lachaud À : GH Huet Date: 17 septembre 2014 Objet: Liens Cher Gérard Huet, Bravo et merci pour avoir mis en e-book votre impressionnant travail. ... Votre site est devenu un instrument indispensable ! Bien à vous, Gilles Lachaud Gilles LACHAUD Directeur de Recherches émérite au CNRS Mathématiques From : Marcis Gasuns To : Gérard Huet Date : 9 november 2014 Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I use some of your data in my PhD work on Sanskrit Dhatupathas. Let the force be with you, Marcis from Moscow From : Александр Строганов TO : GH Huet Object: Sanskrit text of Prajnyaparamita analisys Date : 15 november 2014 Dear Gérard Huet. First of all thank you from my heart for sharing your great work on sanskrit morphological dictionary. Our group work few years in project of tibetan buddhist texts library www.dharmabook.ru In our work we have great needing in sanskrit text parser for Prajnyaparamita section of Buddhis Canon translation. We have this tools for tibetan texts. For example: http://www.buddism.ru//ocr/ocr.php?db=dict&ln=eng&text=/CORPUS/'dul_ba_du.txt In Sanskrit, words have much more morphological transformations. Can you answer few questions which may help us to build the text analysis program for parallel tibetan-sanskrit texts? As part of project we work on tibetan and sanskrit OCR with open source code code.google.com/p/ocrlib May we we can be useful for your project. With all bed wishes and regards. Stroganow Alex De : Chatelain.eu À : GH Huet Nouvelle version Dictionnaire Heritage sous Hypertext Goldendict Date : 16 november 2014 Bonjour, Merci beaucoup pour cette version Interactive de votre dictionnaire avec la techno Hypertext Ebook (j’ai pris suivant vos conseils : Goldendict) L’install sous Windows 7 c’est très bien passé et tout marche bien. Bravo Puis-je diffuser cet info aux collègues étudiants (L3 Sanskrit/Sorbonne Nouvelle) Nous sommes en effet 4 ou 5 à utiliser votre dico pour nos cours Bien cordialement Georges-Marie CHATELAIN De : Александр Строганов À : Gérard Huet Re: Sanskrit text of Prajnyaparamita analisys Date : 23 november 2014 Dear Gérard Huet! Thank you for your incredible work and so detailed documentation. It really benefit for all mankind on many generations. On practical level it is necessary to build grammar data for Pali Canon texts and Buddhist Canon corpus. The main Buddhist texts on Sanskrit it is about 200 mb in UTF-8. Your offer to cooperation with your site it is very generous. In phrase we can found few solution of sindhi. So it will be need some statistical and grammar post processing of parser result. 1. Can we think about XML format of parser result? 2. Can you provide parsing the page text or document text by 100 pages in XML or any tagged format? 3. That you think about Pali parsing and grammar data? The question is huge hope we can found the right way with Buddha help and right efforts. From my heart wish you all the best. Sincerely yours Alex De : andron https://groups.google.com/nagari Dec 17, 2014, 8:23:25 PM Короче говоря, спасибо академику Gerard Huet и его сайту. De : Chatelain.eu À : Gérard Huet Répondre à : georges@chatelain.eu dictionnaire Sanskrit-Français HERITAGE > Bonne année Date : 3 janvier 2015 Bonjour, J'ai vue avec plaisir que les MAJ du dictionnaire continu et ce dés ce premier week-end 2015. Merci pour nous J'en profite pour vous souhaiter, et à toute l'équipe de l'INRIA une bonne et heureuse année 2015 Cordialement Georges-Marie CHATELAIN On https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sanskrit-programmers/FFUqkOob6C0 On May 19th, 2015: ... For now, the best I'm aware of is "The Sanskrit Reader Companion" at http://sanskrit.inria.fr/DICO/reader.en.html . ... On https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sanskrit-programmers/A7SIlurZylY On July 21st, 2015: ... About a week ago (or possibly earlier, during the WSC?), Prof. Gerard Huet has released his wonderful Sanskrit Heritage website, including all the source code, so that it can be run offline (on any Unix-like system, such as Linux or Mac OS X). The manual at http://sanskrit.inria.fr/manual.html includes download and install instructions. Unfortunately the setup seems a bit involved, and my system is currently is a slightly odd state, so I have not made it to the end of the instructions yet, but it is great that such a useful tool is now available to be used offline. ... -Shreevatsa De : Fabien Albacete À : GH Huet Date : 15 septembre 2015 Projet de traduction Bonsoir Monsieur HUET, Avant tout je tiens à vous présenter mes plus profonds respects et mon admiration pour votre travail et en particulier pour votre Dictionnaire de Sanskrit. Une œuvre dont la renommé est à la hauteur de la profondeur du travail qu'il vous a donné. Je souhaiterai vous soumettre une idée, s'il m'est permis de le faire en toute modestie, je vous propose de traduire votre Dictionnaire de Sanskrit en catalan. En effet, il serait intéressant de le rendre disponible à la communauté catalane afin qu'elle puisse le consulter dans sa langue. Je suis traducteur professionnel, la traduction est ma passion et je serais heureux de mettre mes compétences à votre service de manière complètement gratuite et désintéressée. En souhaitant que ce projet vous interpelle et qu'il trouve un écho favorable à vos yeux, je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur HUET, l'expression de mes plus profonds respects. Bien cordialement. -- Fabien ALBACETE Professeur Français Langue Étrangère Traducteur/Réviseur professionnel 'La plume est l'interprète de l'âme : ce que l'une pense, l'autre l'exprime.' Miguel de Cervantes De: Catherine Dalton À : GH Huet Date : 22 septembre 2015 Online Sanskrit Heritage Dictionary difficulty Dear Mr. Huet, It is my understanding that you are the webmaster for the Sanskrit Heritage Dictionary, a resource which I have found tremendously useful for my studies over the past few years. Recently, each time I click on a noun or verb within the dictionary to go to the declension or conjugation tables, the page comes up with a message that says "Fatal Error Anomaly: Corrupt Lexicon" and I am unable to access the tables. Is this a problem that can be corrected? Attempting to find a solution to the problem on my own, I have just downloaded all the dictionary files onto my computer since I saw that it is possible to use the dictionary offline (wonderful!), but I have a Macintosh and am having trouble finding the correct version of Goldendict to run on my computer. In any case, it would be wonderful if the online issue could be solved as I'm sure there are many besides me who use the dictionary online and would be happy to see it back up and running. Thank you very much for the work you do on this wonderful site! Warm wishes from Kathmandu, Catherine Dalton -- Catherine Dalton Doctoral Candidate Group in Buddhist Studies University of California at Berkeley cdalton@berkeley.edu De: Sebastian Nehrdich À : GH Huet Date : 27 septembre 2015 Sanskrit Heritage Engine Request Dear Gerard Huet, My name is Sebastian Nehrdich and I am a buddhist studies student from the University of Hamburg/Germany. Currently I am working on a POS tagger for sanskrit and chinese texts implemented in emacs lisp, aiming at creating a corpus system for tagging and storing early buddhists texts. For this work I would very much appreciate the opportunity to see the code for the sanskrit heritage engine. I am already using the great xml-files that where made available by your work and I was more than excited to hear that you released the code of the engine under the GPL. With best wishes and much deep appreciation, Sebastian Nehrdich De: Sebastian Nehrdich À : GH Huet Date : 21 octobre 2015 RE: Sanskrit Heritage Engine Request Hello Gérard, Thank you very much for your reply and the link. ... Anyway this is already a great help and a good start. I just want to let you know that at our department most of the philologist who work seriously with sanskrit are also relying heavily on the tools provided by your work. I barely know anyone who does not use the morphological data from the website at least to check their translations. Most people prefer this over Whitneys roots at the moment. With best wishes, Sebastian In Google group 'sanskrit' From : Taff Rivers Date : 19 december 2015 The Sanskrit Heritage website, at URL sanskrit.inria.fr, provides tools for the processing of the Sanskrit language. This site offers public access to various Web services and Sanskrit lexicons since 2003. It offers dictionary search, declension/conjugation, stemming, and segmentation/tagging/parsing of Sanskrit sentences. The site started as a set of tools to exploit a digital version of the Sanskrit Heritage Dictionary, which had been developped as a personal independent project by Gérard Huet since 1996 as a Sanskrit-French dictionary intended as a small encyclopedia of Indian culture. These tools use the finite-state methods implemented in the ZEN Objective Caml library to provide efficient lexicon representation, morphology generation, and segmentation by sandhi recognition. De: hsiao jeff À : GH Huet Date : 19 december 2015 Request for the standalone Sanskrit Reader Dear Professor Huet, My name is Jeff Hsiao, and I have been conducting research on traditional Chinese Buddhism at universities in Hong Kong. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your Sanskrit Reader, which is a powerful and indispensable web tool helping greatly with my interpretation on ancient Buddhist texts. Besides, I am wondering if there would be a standalone version of the Reader, and it would be highly appreciated if the application could be provided. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Jeff Hsiao De: NACHIKETH SURESH À : Gérard Huet Date: 29 janvier 2016 Re: Heritage Engine Needed I should say this is a great tool you have developed. De: Marius Johndal À : Gérard Huet Date: 29 janvier 2016 Re: Heritage Engine Dear Gérard, Excellent, thank you! No problem installing this, up and running in no time :) I'll be in touch to let you know how we're getting on. Best wishes, Marius De: hsiao jeff À : Gérard Huet Date: 26 Avril 2016 Re: test CGI Dear Professor Huet, Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu! I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to you for offering practical guidance on the installation of the Sanskrit Reader. With close investigation into your solutions provided and the trials over the past several days, the tool now works perfectly on my computer... The video clip attached shows the successful launch of the programme. Thank you again for all your tremendous help, and my research on Sanskrit texts would be facilitated with your indispensable web gear. Best regards, Jeff De: Martin Gluckman À : Gérard Huet Date: 29 Avril 2016 Re: Installable Edition Dear Gerard, Thank you. ... Very excited and thank you for this colossal contribution to Sanskrit! Martin From site "http://sanskrit-db.de/blog/pages-output/skorg/" by Sebastian Nehrdich, consulted on May 30th, 2016: The inflected sanskrit data is taken from the great work done by Gerard Huet. Also from "http://sanskrit-db.de/about": morphological data is used from the sanskrit heritage site ([http://sanskrit.inria.fr/] - thank you very much for releasing it!) De: Dhaval Patel À : indology@list.indology.info Date: 24 Juin 2016 Database of Sanskrit Verb forms Respected scholars, As a result of our work on tiGanta generation tool for past some years, We present the following database of generated verb forms of Sanskrit language for Sanskrit NLP community. ... Acknowledgements - 1. Prof. Amba Kulkarni of Univ. of Hyderabad for allowing us access to her database of verb forms and various dhAtuvRttis. 2. Prof. Gerard Huet of INRIA for allowing us access to his database of verbforms. We have used these two existing databases for comparing our results against, and have made necessary corrections where there were evident errors. Dr. Dhaval Patel, I.A.S Collector and District Magistrate, Anand www.sanskritworld.in Date: October 1st 2016 TV Show "Breaking News" in Bhaarat Today Shows the Sanskrit Heritage site from 44:10 to 44:59 De: christophe.vielle@uclouvain.be À : indology@list.indology.info Date: 19 Octobre 2016 Rép : [INDOLOGY] Monier Williams Online It is also possible to search in Monier-Williams at: http://sanskrit.inria.fr/DICO/index.html select "Monier-Williams" (this useful tool by displaying pages gives more than the needed item) De: fontaineguyr@gmail.com À : Gérard Huet Date: 18 Novembre 2016 Bonjour Gérard, Depuis 3 ans j'utilise fréquemment le magnifique outil de travail que vous avez mis à disposition pour mes travaux sur les textes sanskrit. ... De: 谛听 À : Gérard Huet Date: 30 Novembre 2016 尊敬的先生, 很高心您能回信,我想我可以借助 google 和您做简单的交流。 我刚刚开始学习梵文。这是我做的一些图片,希望你也喜欢。 你做的这个网站很棒,我很喜欢。 http://sanskrit.inria.fr/DICO/reader.fr.html 我想把这个软件安装在自己的电脑上,我看了您给的教程 : http://sanskrit.inria.fr/manual.html How to install the Heritage Engine on your own server 但是我还是不能理解。我想知道,我该怎么做,我怎怎么使用您提供的文件: Heritage_engine_documentation.pdf 谢谢您。 Cher Monsieur, Je viens juste de commencer à apprendre le Sanskrit. Vous faites de ce site est génial, je l’ai apprécié. http://sanskrit.INRIA.fr/dico/Reader.fr.html Je veux installer ce logiciel sur leur ordinateur, j’ai regardé ton tuto : http://sanskrit.INRIA.fr/Manual.html Comment faire pour installer le moteur de patrimoine sur votre propre serveur. ... Merci De: 谛听 À : Gérard Huet Date: 10 Décembre 2016 Hello , Gérard Huet , Thank you very much. I have installed on their computer, and I found out that there is no network when it is in use. Really thank you very much. This last step is not my own, I got help from a friend. ... Really thank you very much. You endure the fatigue these days, patiently guiding each installation step, explaining each question. Sorry my English is very bad, also, I have never used Linux before, caused by the problem. But no matter what, under your guidance, and now finally installed it and I am very happy, I really thank you. You do this site for learning Sanskrit so useful, that's what I need. I also believe that more and more people will like it. Thanks again for your help. 释圣一 De: showart@free.fr À : GH Date: 15 Février 2017 Bonjour, merci infiniment pour les travaux que vous avez développés autour du sanscrit. ... philippe Duparc De: lokeshh.sharma@gmail.com À : GH Date: 18 Février 2017 Firstly thank you for amazing site you have build on Sanskrit. ... Otherwise its an amazing website and very helpful in my study. I am using it daily. Best Lokesh De: lokeshh.sharma@gmail.com À : GH Date: 5 Mars 2017 Your website is proving to be very helpful in my study. It is very accurate. ... De: f2014946@goa.bits-pilani.ac.in À : GH Date: 18 Mars 2017 Respected Sir, I am a Natural Language Enthusiast and a 3rd year Under Graduate from India. I have been working on a Sanskrit POS Tagger for a while now and I found your work related work [1]. The toolkit as well as the paper has been a huge help in my endeavors and I am looking to make a Python implementation of Zen for the Open Source Project CLTK. ... Thank You, Pranaydeep. In book "Back to the truth" by Dennis Waite: Another good site is maintained by Gerard Huet at http://sanskrit.inria.fr. From Gabe Hiemstra À : GH Date: 5 Mars 2017 Website issues Dear Gérard Huet, In the past I have actively used your excellent site, sanskrit.inria.fr, in combination with google. Today I noticed this is no longer possible because of your "robots.txt" file which prevents search engines from rendering your pages in google. Now it is no longer possible to find out wether a word matches with some kind of declension or inflection scheme or simply does not exist at all. Your site and its pages are definitely invaluable research tools, but without google to quickly look for words, it loses much of its power. Therefore, I would love to understand the reason behind excluding your site from search engines. Perhaps I can be of any help on the issue? Thanks! Best regards, Gabe Hiemstra www.wisdomlib.org info@wisdomlib.org www.facebook.com/WisdomLibrary From michaelnm.meyer@gmail.com À : GH Date: 7 Juin 2017 À propos du Sanskrit Heritage Site Monsieur, Je me permets de vous contacter à propos du Sanskrit Heritage Site. Tout d'abord, je souhaitais vous remercier d'offrir l'accès aux outils que vous avez développés. Il m'ont été fort utiles lorsque je commençais à apprendre le sanskrit, il y a maintenant 5 ans. Je mesure l'audace de votre entreprise, le sanskrit se prêtant beaucoup moins facilement à un traitement automatique que le français ou l'anglais, par exemple. ... Bien cordialement, Michaël Meyer From: Gerard.Huet@inria.fr À : Indology Date: 21 Juin 2017 Dear Indology experts, I am glad to celebrate this Yoga day with a release of version 3.0 of the Sanskrit Heritage Site. It is fairly stable, and now benefits from a Reference manual. The corresponding database of XML Sanskrit morphology is now distributed as the Gitlab repository https://gitlab.inria.fr/huet/Heritage_Resources. I am also releasing the Sanskrit Heritage Platform as a public Gitlab repository https://gitlab.inria.fr/huet/Heritage_Platform. If you clone both repositories on your own server or workstation, you may enjoy the corresponding Web services locally without needing network access. For the moment, this facility is available only for UNIX users (either Linux or Mac OS X). Its installation necessitates basic understanding of the Apache Web server and its configuration. Explanations are given in the reference manual and in the Platform documentation. The main component of this software is the Heritage Sanskrit Reader with a new graphical interface that allows computer-assisted tagging and parsing of Sanskrit sentences, indexing the French Sanskrit Heritage dictionary. If you prefer, the English version Sanskrit Reader (en) gives the same service, but indexing the Monier-Williams dictionary. Please signal any difficulty or error to me. Best Gérard Huet From: wujastyk@gmail.com Rép : [INDOLOGY] Release of Sanskrit Heritage Platform 3.0 À : GH Date: 21 Juin 2017 This is amazing work and it is extremely generous (and modern!) of you to make the sources available at Github. Thank you so much, Gérard. Dominik Professor Dominik Wujastyk, Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity, Department of History and Classics, University of Alberta, Canada. South Asia at the U of A: sas.ualberta.ca From: christophe.vielle@uclouvain.be Rép : [INDOLOGY] Release of Sanskrit Heritage Platform 3.0 À : GH Date: 22 Juin 2017 Grand merci pour tout cela, cher Collègue, c'est un outil indologiquement de toute heure (il est constamment ouvert sur mon bureau) qui est ainsi rendu encore plus performant. Bien à vous, Christophe Vielle From: lalitha.badrinath@wanadoo.fr À : GH Date: 28 septembre 2017 Groupe de Réflexion Franco-Indien Le titre de la conférence du mois d’octobre est « Un outil incomparable pour aider à lire du sanskrit: 'The Sanskrit Heritage Site' de Gérard Huet (INRIA) » et sera présenté (en français) par notre membre de longue date, le Prof. Jean-François Perrot. From: kaivalya@nordnet.fr À : GH Date: 08 novembre 2017 Félicitations et une question Il y a longtemps que je voulais vous féliciter pour votre site "The Sanskrit Heritage" qui est tout à fait remarquable et d'une grande utilité. ... Pour quelqu'un comme moi qui traduit, translittère et commente de nombreux textes sanskrits, c'est un véritable bonheur de naviguer sur votre site pour vérifier une déclinaison, une liaison, une conjugaison, etc. Bien cordialement à vous, Swami Yogananda Sarasvati De: fontaineguyr@gmail.com À : Gérard Huet Date: 03 Décembre 2017 Bonjour Gérard, Je vous avais contacté il y a un an pour installer le dictionnaire. Je l'utilise de nombreuses fois de façon quotidienne . Magnifique! Merci de tout cœur! Il est parfait pour mes centres d'intérêt sur la cosmologie, Védas et le Védanta. Bien qu'il couvre un peu le Shivaisme du Cachemire, un développement plus profond serait fort utile. ... Encore bravo! Guy Fontaine January 2018. The Heritage site is referenced by The Spoken Sanskrit Site From: "Ganesh J. Acharya" (ganeshjacharya@gmail.com) To: GH Huet Date: 11 février 2018 Glad to see an excellent work at sanskrit.inria.fr Sincerely, Ganesh J. Acharya Mob: +91-9323193xxx, Ph: +91-22-28152xxx Linkedin | Facebook | Twitter From "Claire Moutot" (claire.moutot@gmail.com) To: GH Huet Date: 8 avril 2018 Remerciement Monsieur, Je me permets de vous contacter afin de vous remercier pour votre merveilleux travail, il a peu je suis tombée par chance sur votre chef d'oeuvre qui est le dictionnaire mais aussi votre site internet. Vos travaux m'ont beaucoup aidé à m'y intéresser mais surtout dans l'apprentissage du Sanskrit. ... From "Colin Kenney" (colin_kenney@icloud.com) To: GH Huet Date: 15 avril 2018 Hello, My name is Colin Kenney, and I have been using your Sanskrit Heritage website for many years. Lately I have been translating various Sanskrit texts and your tools have become invaluable. I use them on an almost daily basis. ... Thank you for you time, Colin Kenney From: Laurence BAUDRY Date: Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 6:53 AM Subject: Site de l'inria... Maintenant retraitée , passionnée par le sanskrit , je consulte régulièrement régulièrement le "The Sanskrit Heritage Site ", ... Laurence BAUDRY From edmond@differding.com À : GH Date: 16 Avril 2018 Accès interrompu au 'Sanskrit Heritage Site'? Cher Monsieur Huet, je suis un utilisateur assidu de votre dictionnaire depuis que je me suis mis à apprendre le sanskrit il y a près de trois ans à l’UCL (en Belgique) avec le Professeur Vielle. Je dois vous remercier pour avoir mis en place cet outil formidable ! Et absolument indispensable ! Ce dont je me suis rendu compte hier quand je n’ai pas pu y accéder (tout d’ailleurs que d’autres condisciples....) ... J’espère que cette interruption d’accès ne soit que temporaire, peut-être du à un entretien du site.... Je serai en tout cas reconnaissant pour toute information de votre part à ce sujet. Très cordialement, Edmond Differding From ilyacomet@gmail.com À : GH Date: 11 Mai 2018 Quelques coquilles dans le dictionnaire sanskrit-français Cher M. Huet, Tout d'abord, je tiens à vous féliciter, comme bien d'autres avant moi, pour le magnifique outil que vous avez réalisé. Une mine de ressources moderne et en français... C'est merveilleux ! Permettez-moi de me présenter : ... Quelqu'un m'avait donné votre dictionnaire il y a des années, mais je l'avais oublié depuis le temps. Pour la petite histoire, c'est une amie italienne qui m'en a reparlé voici quelques mois car elle-même l'utilisait et l'appréciait beaucoup, même sans parler français (l'anglais n'étant pas son fort). Le PDF que j'avais jusqu'alors comportait dans les 300 pages... Quel ne fut pas mon émerveillement en découvrant que l'ouvrage avait triplé de volume ! Puisque vous invitez le lecteur à vous signaler les éventuelles erreurs dans votre dictionnaire, me voici. Je le consulte presque quotidiennement, et jusqu'ici ce ne sont que 3 coquilles que j'ai repérées: ... Au plaisir d'échanger avec vous, Ilya Comet. From Edgard Bikelis (bikelis@gmail.com) To GH Date 18 Septembre 2018 Error in the Sanskrit Heritage namo namaḥ :) Dear Gérard, first, thank you for your most useful site. I was revising the declension of pathin with a student just now, and I noticed the compound form is missing the -th- there (http://sanskrit.inria.fr/cgi-bin/SKT/sktdeclin?q=pathin;g=Mas;font=roma). Perhaps that’s a symptom of something in the algorithm. With Sanskritic salutations from Brazil, Edgard Bikelis From RamanaMurthy Bathala (bathalaramana@gmail.com) To Gerard.Huet@inria.fr ambapradeep@gmail.com Date 19 Septembre 2018 Declension of the noun: सुभ्रू subhrū m.f. 'having beautiful brows;' Respected Scholars, Greetings!!! I am following your tools for noun and verbal form generatins. 1)http://scl.samsaadhanii.in/scl/ 2)http://sanskrit.inria.fr/ 3)http://ashtadhyayi.com/dhatu/ They help me a lot for student like me. It makes student's life easier and have become indispensable for a student But sometimes I came across instances, where the forms generated do not match with that mentioned in the books. Here is one such an instance to bring it to your notice. ... Regards Ramana murthy From https://www.appliedsyntax.com/san2en, consulted on Oct 24th, 2018: Another excellent resource for Sanskrit is the Sanskrit Grammarian website by Gerard Huet, INRIA, Paris, that provides declensions, conjugations, as well as an interactive mode for splitting 'euphonic combinations' in a sentence (during this process, it also provides hyperlinks for root/ base words to the Cologne Sanskrit Digital Dictionaries website mentioned above). From Google groups samskrita Dec 11 2018: But then since tools such as these http://sanskrit.inria.fr/DICO/reader.fr.html are available these days, this problem can be overcome presuming the particular tool has addressed all possible permutations. From Valerio Virgini (valerio.virgini@gmail.com) To GH Date 13 Février 2019 ... The website is very useful and interesting. It helps me a lot in the study of Sanskrit. To develop such software is a work for the benefit of scholars. Thank you on behalf of everyone. valerio From H.C.Jahr@gmx.de To GH Date 6 mars 2019 dhanyavAdaH Merci beaucoup! श्री Gérard । तव करणम्प्रशंसामि । एतन्महोपकारो ऽस्मभ्यम्भवेत् । विद्याञ्ज्ञानञ्चैतस्मान्निवर्तेते ॥ धन्यवादः । Merci beaucoup. Dankeschön. Thank you very much. Holger From jed.forman@gmail.com To GH Date 6 Avril 2019 Successful Installation Dear Mr. Huet, The instructions say that I should notify you after successfully installing the Heritage site on my localhost, so I'm sending you a notification. Je suis un étudiant qui est en train de faire son recherche sur le perception des yogis. Je vous remercies mille fois pour ton programme, parce que bien sur sans lui mon recherche deviendrait beaucoup plus difficle. En esperant que vous allez bien, Jed Forman From lemoine.louis.56@gmail.com [ Lemoine Louis ] To GH Date 28 Avril 2019 Remarque sur le dictionnaire Bonjour Monsieur, Je me permets de vous envoyer un message, car je suis avec enthousiasme les évolutions de votre dictionnaire depuis déjà quelques années. Et ayant remarques un problème de superposition sur la dernière version (possible que ça était là sur quelques versions précédentes), je vous le signale : - Page numérotée 101 du dictionnaire (103ème page de la version pdf), un mot en translittération étant trop long, empiète sur la deuxième colonne (cf. image ci-dessous). Pour information, j'ai passé une formation de professeur de yoga, et mon intérêt se porte sur toute la culture indienne. C'est bien pour cela que j'apprends le Sanskrit, et que votre ouvrage m'est des plus précieux. Merci d'avance pour votre travail à vous et votre équipe. N.b. : Cette remarque concerne la version 3.15 du 24 avril 2019. From hamsottama@gmail.com [ Alex Brahman ] To GH Date 30 Avril 2019 Please, fix one link to archive Hello, dear Gerard. Thank you so much for such a wonderful resource on the grammar of Sanskrit. Many times it helped me out and to find difficult verb forms. Recently, I am carefully read on the site that there is an opportunity to make a local version of all forms of declensions and conjugations of verbs based on the Goldendict dictionary. I was very inspired by this opportunity, but of all the links offered on the page https://sanskrit.inria.fr/goldendict.html, that link to the most voluminous archive was not available. I ask you to check it, and if it is possible to fix it, or send an alternative link to (91Mb) tar archive 2. Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Alex From Евгений Уланский (ulanskiy@gmail.com) À : GH Huet Date 28 Mai 2019 Correction Cher Gerard, Merci beaucoup pour votre site très utile (aussi pour la conjugaison des verbes sanskrits). Je l'utilise bien souvent. Je voudrais remarquer que dans la table concernant le verbe "i" il y a deux formes incorrectes. ... Avec les meilleurs sentiments, Evgenii Ulanskii (Moscou) From Thomas Chevrier (tom_chevrier@hotmail.com) À : GH Huet Date 22 Juillet 2019 questions de sanskrit Cher monsieur, Je vous écris dans le cadre de mes travaux astrologiques pour lesquels j'utilise chaque jour votre dictionnaire du sanskrit en ligne. Vous avez fait-là un travail merveilleux de précision et de simplicité et je vous en remercie infiniment. Nous travaillons mon frère et moi-même à la traduction d'un bref extrait des Taittirya Brahmana, un vieux texte sanskrit qui contient des informations essentielles sur les nakshatras. Ce texte n'a, à notre connaissance, pas été traduit en français. Des traductions en anglais existent mais elles nous semblent souvent approximatives. Malgré notre ignorance presque totale du sanskrit, nous avons commencé à tout retraduire - à l'aide de votre dictionnaire et de traductions anglaises - mais de nombreuses questions se posent. ... Je vous adresse à nouveau mes plus sincères remerciements pour le dictionnaire. Dans l'espoir de vous rencontrer prochainement, Thomas (et Etienne) Chevrier From pierre-jean.laurent@wanadoo.fr À : GH Huet Date 30 Septembre 2019 Sâmkkhya Cher Gérard Huet, ... J’ai utilisé quotidiennement votre dictionnaire ainsi que les autres documents (substantifs déclinés, verbes conjuguées etc, en pdf). En consultant le dictionnaire, j’ai bien remarqué votre grande connaissance du Sâmkhya. ... Avec tous mes remerciements pour l’aide que vous m’avez apportée… Bien cordialement, Pierre-Jean Laurent 165, La Pérérée 38420 Murianette From Gary Thrapp (gary.thrapp@earthlink.net) Anya declension issue in Sanskrit engine À : GH Huet Date 5 Octobre 2019 I much enjoy using your Sanskrit declension and conjugation engines. ... Gary Thrapp From Ramachandrula Sastry through LinkedIn À : GH Huet Date Nov 27, 2019 Sincere appreciation for your contribution over decades and your involvement with Samskritam. Would like to connect, Warm Regards & Dhanyavadah From Ibrāhīm Šafiʿī (allahseeker@gmail.com) À : GH Huet Date 21 décembre 2019 Formes fléchies du sanscrit Hello dear Gérard Huet At first thank you very much for your precious works on Sanskrit and then sorry for interruption. As a student of ancient Iranian Languages, I'm working on my paper and I was in need to your precious work "Formes fléchies du sanscrit" in volumes which I got from Internet ... Ibrahim Shafiee Uni of Tehran From Fanko Adinat (fankoadinat@yahoo.com) À : GH Huet Date 30 décembre 2019 je traduis dictionnaire sanskrit en persan en utlisant de votre dictionnaire et aussi d,autres dictionnaire (Émile Burnouf, Monier Williams, Nadine Stchoupak. Luigia. Nitti. Louis Renou) et je recois dernier version tout mois Héritage du Sanskrit Dictionnaire sanskrit-français. From Catherine Laroze (c.laroze@wanadoo.fr) À : GH Huet Date 31 décembre 2019 Bonsoir Monsieur, voilà plusieurs années que je recours à votre dictionnaire de sanskrit et que j'admire cette oeuvre si riche et toujours en mouvement. ... Cela fait dix ans que je fais du sanskrit et votre dictionnaire m’accompagne partout. C’est une mine d’or. Catherine Laroze Psychanalyste 54, rue de Bourgogne 75007 Paris 01 45 55 55 96 From mllesch@XXX.de À : GH Huet Date 16 janvier 2020 Cher Dr. Huet, I'm sorry to bother you, but the Sankrit.inria.fr Heritage Dictionary is down (il ne marche pas). I would like to know if this is a temporary or permanent glitch. Since I'm a student of Sanskrit, I would like to let you know that the permanent loss of this magnificent site would be catastrophic for every Sanskrit student worldwide. Warmly, Ari From Ashish Patel [valaji@gmail.com] À : GH Huet Date 26 avril 2020 Hello, I finally got this installed: https://gitlab.inria.fr/huet/Heritage_Platform/-/blob/master/SETUP/INSTALL Thank you for maintaining this and allowing users to install it. It is a huge amount of work and we are all very grateful. ... And again, huge thank you for providing this. It is a huge help. This site has been very helpful when reading scriptures in sanskrit. You must be a master in everything sanskrit. It is amazing what you have done here and I can't give enough praise to you. From Holger Jahr [H.C.Jahr@gmx.de] Sanskrit Reader Companion À : GH Huet Date 2 mai 2020 Cher Gérard, merci encore une fois pour le merveilleux soutien des amis du sanskrit. I found that the following words don’t seem to be recognised by the Reader Companion and wanted to let you know: ... Hope this is of help to you. Cordialement, Holger From Ashish Patel [valaji@gmail.com] Sanskrit Reader Inria À : GH Huet Date 12 mai 2020 I am also using the site for teaching sanskrit. My uncle has been learning sanskrit using your website and an android app called 'Sanskrit Primer'. Using these two, he has been converting a religious script called Shikshapatri by Lord Swaminarayan. Swaminarayn wrote this scripture in sanskrit back in the early 1800s. He uses these sites to teach a class of about 50 students (ranging in age of 20-70). We use the Devanagari font and his biggest concern and why I got involved was for the reasons you mentioned above. We have so much respect and gratitude for you to create this site that it has become a lifeline in order to teach. He was worried if one day the site goes down what would we do? He started out by teaching the alphabet (कक्को) and then barakhdi and basic grammar. And since then after we break sandhis and samas words from the scripture we use your website to look up words in Grammer section as well as parse sentences in the 'Reader' which is crazy powerful. My uncle cannot stop praising how important your website is and all the work you must have done on it. You are a hero for all of us :) for developing this and making it accessible to all. I myself am a software engineer which is why when my uncle told me about how important this website is, I tried to follow the README and get going on how to make sure its backed up. I will work on getting something uploaded with instructions that you and colleagues can pull down in the meantime. Again thank you for Sanskrit Inria. Please add our praise to your golden book. I have over 50 students who would also sign onto the praise of your site. From Gary Thrapp Declension in Sanskrit engine À : GH Huet ... I use Golden Dictionary on a desktop computer as the platform to access digital versions of Williams, Apte, Macdonell, Dhātupāṭha, and other dictionaries and grammar resources. Since the 1970's I have used hardcopy versions, but in the past couple of years have found the improved digital versions very productive. For a long time I accessed your website for declensions and conjugations, but now use that part of your system within Golden Dictionary. This allows entering a stem once in Devanāgarī and then the results from all the dictionaries and other resources are available at once. It is much, much more efficient than accessing separate interfaces. Others use this integrated approach as well, and over time more and more will find it or be taught it. It is almost like moving from a typewriter to a word processor in productivity. When something works as well as your system, it is not surprising you receive little feedback. I am as negligent as others in not expressing gratitude for your efforts, but please know everything you do is appreciated and relied upon daily. Maintaining an up to date Goldendict version of your results would ensure its continued and increased utility for a long time. Gary Thrapp From Adriano Aprigliano aprigliano@usp.br Sur le Dictionnaire Heritage du Sanscrit À : GH Huet Date 15 juin 2020 Cher Professeur Huet, Je m'appelle Adriano Aprigliano, je sui professeur de Langue et Littérature Sanscrit (récemment embauché) dans L'Université de São Paulo, au Brésil. Je suis un très fréquent utilisateur de votre Sanskrit Heritage Site, pour lequel je vous félicite. Je suis en train de produire des matériaux didactiques et j'écris pour vous demander si vous auriez l'intérêt de voir traduit en portugais votre Dictionnaire. Je n'ai encore des prétentions de publication; en effet ça serait très difficile à faire, si l'on considère l'intérêt des maison d'édition dans ces grands livres pour peu de lecteurs. Ce que j'ai dans la tête c'est une association académique pour la traduction et depuis la manutention du travaille de élargissement de la version portugaise du dictionnaire parallèlement à la française. Je commencerai le travaille moi même seul et puis je pense employer le travail des étudiantes par notre système institutionnel de Initiation Scientifique. Bon, c'est ça l'idée general. Dans le cas oú vous étiez d'accord, je vous demanderais si vous pouviez partager les archives de base (je crois que vous les avez écrit en interface Latex, ne ce pas? [à propos, je ne sui qu'un sanskritiste que comprends très peu de computation...]). Merci à l'avance. C'est le première message que j'écris en français, donc j'espère que j'e n'ai trop péché contre le français. Meilleurs voeux. Prof. Dr. Adriano Aprigliano Língua e Literatura Sânscrita DLCV FFLCH USP Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 403 CEP: 05508-900 Cidade Universitária, São Paulo - SP / Brasil From Paz Vasquez [pvvasque@uc.cl] À propos Sanskrit Heritage Dictionary. À : GH Huet Date 30 juin 2020 Bonsoir, Je m'appelle Paz Vásquez et j'écris du Chili. Je ne parle pas français, donc je m'excuse si cet e-mail semble rude. Je travaille sur un projet de dictionnaire Sanskrit-Portugais / Espagnol. Pour ceux d'entre nous qui étudient le sanskrit, https://sanskrit.inria.fr/DICO/index.fr.html est une référence. Et je vous écris pour savoir si vous pouvez nous guider dans ce processus. Bien sûr, très reconnaissant de votre attention. -- नमस्ते Paz Vásquez Gibson (+56 9) 9 744 56 32 From André Canessa [andre.canessa@gmail.com] À : GH Huet Date 24 août 2020 Dictionnaire Sanskrit Cher Monsieur, je me permets de prendre contact avec vous, avant tout pour vous remercier pour le travail titanesque que représente votre magnifique dictionnaire du Sanskrit, que j'utilise quotidiennement. Pour accélérer mes recherches lexicales, j'en ai fait une version Word (en copiant les unes après les autres toutes les pages de votre dictionnaire), que je complète petit à petit au fur et à mesure que j'avance dans le Mahābhārata (je me suis lancé dans l'aventure un folle de traduire TOUT le Mahābhārata ; j'en suis au chapitre 214 du livre I...). Je constate régulièrement que vous continuez à compléter votre dictionnaire et à le modifier. Et aujourd'hui, en allant sur l'article "mada", j'ai vu que vous aviez ajouté que la sérosité suintant des oreilles des éléphants en rut est la "temporine". Je crois qu'il s'agit plutôt de la frontaline (j'ai mis un bon moment à trouver le nom exact de cette substance dont j'ignorais l'existence). Avec encore tout mon respect pour votre travail André Canessa From Paul at Shanti Sadan [paulhoughton@shantisadan.org] À : GH Huet Date 11 novembre 2020 Thanks and question about infinitive verb form searches Dear M Huet Thank you for providing the Sanskrit Heritage site. As an informal student I have found it the most useful Sanskrit resource on the Internet, by far. I constantly use it as a dictionary and grammar reference. One question, I notice that often a search for an inflected form of a verb produces a result. However in the case of some infinitives, it does not. For example under root 'gam' the infinitive 'gantum' is listed. But a search for 'gantum' only finds 'nearest entry...'. I wondered if whatever method returns inflected forms could be extended to these infinitives? This is absolutely not meant as a criticism - more as a request if anything! Thanks again for a fantastic resource. Kind regards Paul From olga.serbaeva@aoi.uzh.ch À : GH Huet Date 17 décembre 2020 Question Cher Monsieur, J'espère que vous vous portez bien et j'aimerais vous dire que j'apprécie beaucoup tous ce que vous avez devéloppé sur https://sanskrit.inria.fr/. J'aimerais bien demander votre permission pour pouvoir utiliser les formes des mots en Sanskrit (version en pdfs, datant de 2009) pour mon project sur les manuscripts tantriques. L'idée est d'incorporer la liste des formes dans une version locale de READ software (Stephen White, et al., https://github.com/readsoftware/read) pour faciliter l'idéntification primaire des formes dans la processus de transcription. Peut-être vous avez un URL avec une version plus recent, qu'on pourrais eventuellement addresser via "query" live? Comment est-ce que je peux faire une référence à votre travail correctement? Cordialement, Olga Serbaeva Dr. Olga Serbaeva Saraogi Asien-Orient-Institut, Abteilung Indologie Universität Zürich Rämistr. 59 8001 Zürich Switzerland +41 44 634 22 81 From Madhav Kiran Sodum [XXX] À : GH Huet Date 23 janvier 2021 Dear sir, Thank you for this wonderful project -- Sanskrit Heritage dictionary accessible to all. Not a day goes by without using your Sanskrit grammarian. ... Also I wanted to volunteer to convert the HTML version of the Sanskrit Heritage dictionary to Babylon format. Regards Madhav Kiran From den.mangin [den.mangin@free.fr] À : GH Huet Date 23 janvier 2021 Bonjour Monsieur, J'utilise votre site pour étudier le sanskrit et c'est un formidable outil. ... En vous remerciant par avance, Bien cordialement, From Catherine Aussel [XXX] À : GH Huet Date 25 juin 2021 Bonjour Monsieur, J’étudie le sanskrit depuis 8 mois ... Votre dictionnaire que j’ai découvert récemment va m’être très utile, pour l’utiliser au quotidien je l’ai fait copier sur papier et je l’ai illustré d’intercalaires par lettre. Il est en trois parties avec 3 couvertures illustrées de mes dessins. ... Bien Cordialement Catherine AUSSEL From Paul Hackett [XXX] À : GH Huet Date 23 août 2021 Dear Prof. Huet, Please let me begin by saying how much I appreciate the Sanskrit Heritage website. It is an invaluable resource that has made my ability to work with Sanskrit sources immensely easier. ... Warmest regards, Paul Hackett Columbia University From mllesch@xxx.yy À : GH Huet Date 11 septembre 2021 Cher Dr. Huet, I'm sorry to bother you, but the Sankrit.inria.fr Heritage Dictionary is not loading properly (il ne marche pas bien). I would like to know if this is a temporary or permanent glitch. Since I'm a student of Sanskrit, I would like to let you know that the permanent loss of this magnificent site would be catastrophic for every Sanskrit student worldwide. Warmly and deeply gratefully (for gifting us with this amazing tool), Recevez, je vous prie, mes meilleures amitiés, Ari At University of Cologne, mention and link to The Sanskrit Heritage Site as Useful Sanskrit-Analysis-Tools. From Catherine Aussel [XXX] À : GH Huet Date 3 octobre 2021 Bonjour Gérard, ... PS : j’utilise votre site en ligne de façon quotidienne avec beaucoup de bonheur. Merci. Posted on Facebok at Prof. Kurt Keutzer On october 5, 2021 Prof. Amba Kulkarni, in collaboration with Dr Gerard Huet (inventor of the programming language Caml), has devoted her career to the development of computer tools to facilitate the understanding of the Sanskrit language. ... On october 6, 2021 Given the interest and discussion I thought it might be useful to speculatively (as I haven't actually taken the course) explain a bit more. A beginner's study of Sanskrit is challenged by the fact that many of the most basic elements of understanding of a sentence require deeper understanding, and, as a result, the beginner may be quickly exhausted. These elements include simply breaking a string of characters into individual words and determining the syntactic role of each word in the sentence (aka its inflection). Through Huet and Kulkarni's work these challenging aspects can be delegated to the computer. For me, it seems the tools they have developed can do for the study of Sanskrit what calculators and software tools like Matlab have done for the study of math and physics. IIT Kharagpur making Sanskrit accessible with their Artificial Intelligence-based system; India Today, March 25, 2021 Teaching Sanskrit with the help of computer tools; UoH Herald, October 22, 2021 UoH to teach Sanskrit using computer tools; The Times of India Today, October 22, 2021 University of Hyderabad launches course to teach Sanskrit using computer tools; The Times of India Today, October 23, 2021 November 2021, on Research Gate: The Purpose of Curry: A UD Treebank for Ashokan Prakrit by Adam Farris and Aryaman Arora, p. 3 : Sanskrit dictionaries and morphological analysers were also useful (Monier-Williams, 1899; Huet, 2005). Footnote: The Sanskrit Grammarian (the second cite) has a web interface at Sanskrit Grammarian. From jainammehtaXXX@xxx.com On the inclusion of Vedic Sanskrit À : GH Huet Date 3 février 2022 Mr. Huet, I really enjoyed this site of yours. I am really grateful for this site as it has helped me alot in learning sanskrit. For that reason, I thank you. It would be Joyous and helpful if you add features for Vedic Sanskrit too. Thank-you From mthadidi@XXX.stanford.edu Questions on U. Hyderabad’s “Samsādhanī – Praveśikā” Course À : GH Huet Date 10 février 2022 Dear Prof. Huet, First of all thank you so much for the valuable information you have provided us during this course through your lectures and notes. Thank you also for the tremendous help you have generously given to all aspiring Sanskrit learners by developing and continuing to improve the Heritage Platform. ... Best regards, Mohamed Hadidi From hansalbert.mueller@XXX.de Feedback to your "Sanskrit Heritage Site" À : GH Huet Date 16 février 2022 Dear Gerard Huet, your "Sanskrit Heritage Site" is a fantastic tool to make translations from Sanskrit much more comfortable. Thank you for that and your effort. I use it very often mainly to check grammatical forms (Declension/Conjugation) against my presumption. Sometimes I use the "Sandhi Engine" which is also very valuable. ... Best regards Hans-Albert Mueller (Germany) From vikram.majumdar@XXX.com Rép. : Your query À : GH Huet Date 16 février 2022 Thank you MR. GH IT WAS VERY HELPFUL. ... Regards Vikram Majumdar From Shubhendu Kumar Senapati Linkedin post, 26-02-2022 I am grateful to Prof. Amba Kulkarni Ma'am, Prof. Gérard Huet, Dr Arjuna S R, Pavankumar Satuluri & the University of Hyderabad for starting such an initiative i.e. teaching Sanskrit using computational tools. The past four months have been an amazing experience for me Right from using tools like: - Word Generators, - Morphological Analyser, - Sandhi Generator & Splitter, - Heritage Platform of Inria for hypertext Sanskrit tools & segmenter, - Sentence Generation & Translation (Noun, Verb, Taddhita, Krt Generator) - Compound (Samasa) Generator. - Anusarakam (Sanskrit to Hindi machine translator) And using these tools to translate Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute's Critical Edition of Mahabharata's 15th Chapter Ashramavasika shlokas to help make an e-Reader for the public. While translating these shlokas which were extracted from manuscripts, I got 9600 unfiltered solutions and further applied all the appropriate dependency tagsets provided to us, and fed the machine with correct relations & meaning, which was wonderful. These all were possible because of having amazing mentors & discussion sessions throughout the course. Looking forward to contributing more to making e-reader web apps. Thank you! धन्यवादः सर्वेषां गुरुणाम् 🙏 From Pitchumani Srinivasan Installation of Sanskrit Heritage Platform on Wondows 11 À : GH Huet Date 3 juillet 2022 Dear Professor Dr Gerard Huet I am writing this from India, specifically from a place by name Tiruchirappalli (also abbreviated as Trichy) in South India. This is about installing a personal web version of the Sanskrit Heritage platform (sanskrit.inria.fr) developed by you. I just would like to inform you that I managed to install my own version under Windows 11/ Windows Subsystem for Linux / Ubuntu and Apache 2. Since I am a windows user, it was difficult to get started with, but eventually everything fell in place. I am attaching an installation document, which I had compiled based on my experience in this installation, detailing every step that I had followed in the installation process. About myself, I am retired. I am 60. I used to be a software Engineer. I studied for an M.Sc. degree in chemical science from an institute popularly known as Indian Institute of Technology at Chennai, India. Since my interests were on solving physical chemical problems using computer simulations, I also studied for an M.S. degree in computer science at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. I closed my career in software early. Today I am learning Sanskrit and this is where I learnt about you and your years of research in Sanskrit linguistics that led to the development of Sanskrit.inria.fr. I use your website very often, for noun declensions, verb conjugations and Sandhis. I also use the Monier Williams Dictionary. Let me thank you for this website, for having gathered all your knowledge of the Sanskrit language, its amenability to being automated, your knowledge of compiler construction and natural language processing to put together this excellent site to make it free to everyone. The attached zip file contains the installation instructions on Windows 11, the config file used and a default index.html page that starts the local site. This could definitely help in future Windows installations. Thanks again. Sincerely Pitchumani. From Jasmine N Internal Server Error À : GH Huet Date: 6 août 2022 à Good afternoon, I use this website frequently and today while putting in a verb I got this error message: XXX I sure hope that somehow you are able to figure out the problem, hopefully solve it so that this fantastic and helpful website will be back asap. Best regards, Jasmine Later: Le site est maintenant de retour et fonctionne :-) Je vous remercie beaucoup. J'aurais été mort sans cela ;-) From emartine.verneuil@XXX.YYY pb. accès serveur À : GH Huet Date: 9 août 2022 Bonsoir, Merci pour votre réponse rapide et un grand merci pour le plaisir que vous me donnez à consulter votre dictionnaire. Depuis que je l'ai découvert je l'utilise en priorité ; il m'offre en plus des richesses linguistiques nombre d'informations sur la culture indienne. J'y recours par pur plaisir en dehors même de mes efforts de traduction. Bien cordialement, Emma Destelle From Carmen Sala Rép. : Plus d'accès au site À : GH Huet Date: 9 août 2022 Bonsoir, ... Merci encore pour votre site si complet et tellement important pour les personnes qui étudient le sanskrit ! Bien amicalement Carmen From André Canessa À : GH Huet Date: 8 septembre 2022 C'est un travail de titan, tel que ceux que pouvaient entreprendre les géants du XIXe siècle, comme Littré. From mllesch@XXX.de À : GH Huet Date: 8 septembre 2022 Cher Mr. Huet, I might be wrong, but I think there's no way to access the vibhakti table for शृण्वत् by typing z.r.nvat । I found the vibhakti table on google by chance as I was looking for the word. I just wanted to let you know because this might be a little glitch in an otherwise amazing dictionary. ... I would also like to let you know that the Heritage Sanskrit Dictionary is, by far, the best dictionary I've ever worked with. I always come to realize this when your site goes down and I try other dictionaries. I promised myself I'd to let you know because, well, you should know that all your work is deeply appreciated. Warmly, Ari From elisa.ganser@uzh.ch À : GH Huet Date: 3 novembre 2022 Dear Gerard Huet, Following a session on Digital Humanities for Indologists offered by Olga Serbaeva at the University of Zurich, and following her suggestion, I am writing to ask if you would be willing to share your file with all Sanskrit forms searchable. I would be very greatful since this looks like a fabulous tool for Sanskritists. With kind regards, Elisa Ganser University of Zurich Dr. Elisa Ganser Research Fellow Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies Department of Indian Studies Rämistrasse 59 CH-8001 Zurich From patrick.mcallister@XXX.ac.at À : GH Huet Date: 24 novembre 2022 ... We have since expanded our notion for “advanced computational methods” to include also advanced programs for analysis of certain linugistic features: obviously, for Sanskrit, there is nothing that could really match your work accessible through https://sanskrit.inria.fr/. Patrick McAllister Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia (IKGA) Austrian Academy of Sciences Hollandstraße 11+13, Room 2.45 1020 Vienna, Austria From arunxxx@gmail.com À : GH Huet Date: 02 janvier 2023 Dear Professor Huet, ... I am profoundly grateful to you and your work, not only because you have built such excellent tools for Sanskrit but also because you have so generously released your data and word lists for public use. ... Arun Prasad From Robert Kunch [RobertKunsch@XXX.de] À : GH Huet Date: 10 janvier 2023 Dear Gérard Huet, I really appreciate the offer of the Online Sanskrit Grammarian, reminding me of so many rules by the power of expanded charts! Just today, though, I ran into a problem. ... I hope that my hint helps improving the code. Best regards and thanks a lot again! Robert Kunsch From Paul at Shanti Sadan [ À : GH Huet Date: 11 mars 2023 ... Thanks ever for the brilliant resource. From Baptiste Mélès [ À : GH Huet Date: 21 mars 2023 Cher Gérard Huet, Quelques années après vous avoir reçu au séminaire Codes Sources à Jussieu, je retrouve votre travail par un autre biais en m'initiant au sanskrit (je m'intéresse à la linguistique comparée). J'ai commencé à lire votre cours, qui est clair, passionnant et parfaitement scénarisé. Un grand merci pour ce cours, dont je poursuis la lecture avec gourmandise ! Très amicalement, Baptiste. -- Baptiste MÉLÈS CNRS, Chargé de recherche / Researcher | http://baptiste.meles.free.fr/ Université de Lorraine, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, AHP-PReST UMR 7117 91 avenue de la Libération, 54000 Nancy, France Secrétaire des Amis de Jean Cavaillès | http://cavailles.hypotheses.org/ From href="https://ncismindia.org/AyUG-SN%20AI-1.pdf">Course curriculum for first professional BAMS (prescribed by NCISM) : Reference Resources Sanskrit: The Sanskrit Heritage Site href="https://sanskrit.inria.fr/". From gleb.sharygin@gmail.com À : GH Huet Date: 24 avril 2023 Dear Gérard, ... Let me also express my gratitude to you for the online Sanskrit forms checker -- it is really helpful, I use it regularly. Kind regards, Gleb Sharygin From mllesch@XXX.de À : GH Huet Date: 31 août 2023 ... With deep gratitude for sharing your wonderful website with us, Ari From isamagaz@gmail.com À : GH Huet Date: 20 mars 2024 Cher Monsieur Tout d'abord, je tiens à vous remercier pour cet admirable Dictionnaire. ... From //www.youtube.com/@sandrinetricoteetbouquine Date: 24 mars 2024 Very interesting he is a great man, I am always using his sanskrit dictionnary and I am happy to hear him in this video, thank you to him for his work. From casey.andersen@xxx.ox.ac.uk À : GH Huet Date: 16 juin 2024 Dear Dr. Huet, I am a graduate student at the University of Oxford in Sanskrit and Classical Indian Religion, and I am so grateful for your Sanskrit Heritage website. It has been an indispensable learning resource for me. ...I am writing because it seems the website has been down for a few days, and I wanted to ask if it is still active. Thank you for such an incredibly helpful and easy to use tool, and I hope it is up and running again soon! With great gratitude, Casey From dkarasis@xxx.edu À : webmaster-sanskrit@inria.fr Date: 16 juin 2024 Dear Webmaster of https://sanskrit.inria.fr/DICO/index.en.html I am writing to inform you that the website is down for the last few days. I find this to be the best digital version of the Monier Williams dictionary, with its declension and conjugation tables, and with its format, which enables the person to scroll up and down to see related words and roots in the dictionary. That website is a treasure and I use it almost daily. Is there a plan to put the website back up please? I really hope so! With gratitude for this beautiful and very helpful website, Dr. Dimitrios Karasis From Paul Hackett [XXX@columbia.edu] À : GH Huet Date 19 juin 2024 Dear Gérard, I’ve noticed that sanskrit.inria.fr has been down for a few days now. I’m just wondering if you are upgrading the server again? I know I’ve said it before, but I find your site immensely helpful, so I always get nervous when it is inaccessible. Best, Paul Hackett Columbia University From amandine.bricout@XXX.YYY À : GH Huet Date 19 juin 2024 Cher M. Huet, Je me permets de vous contacter au sujet de votre site de dictionnaire en ligne que j'utilise quotidiennement et que je recommande très très chaudement à tous mes étudiants (pour moi, il s'agit d'un formidable et irremplaçable outil lorsqu'on apprend le sanskrit : la possibilité de décliner ou conjuguer n'importe quel substantif, adjectif ou verbe aide vraiment les étudiants, le générateur de sandhi permet aussi de vérifier l'intégration des règles, l'onglet reader est vraiment très utile pour dédramatiser l'analyse des longs composés). Mes étudiants et moi-même avons constaté que votre site est inaccessible depuis plusieurs jours. Pourriez-vous m'indiquer quand il sera de nouveau opérationnel? En vous remerciant par avance, je vous prie d'agréer ma plus sincère et chaleureuse gratitude pour votre travail. ... Et encore merci pour votre formidable outil, c'est une mine pour les sanskritistes en herbe et avertis ! -- Amandine Wattelier-Bricout https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9898-8798 Research Fellow - ERC-DHARMA Project Centre d’études sud-asiatiques et himalayennes CESAH CNRS-EHESS ... 2 Cours des Humanités 93322 AUBERVILLIERS cesah.ehess.fr Ambassadrice HAL Enseignante de sanskrit à l'ILARA From casey.andersen@XXX.ox.ac.uk À : GH Huet Date: 1 juillet 2024 Dear Dr. Huet, ... I am at a Summer Sanskrit intensive with Professor Minkowski at the University of Toronto, so I am using it a lot! ... I am a standalone user, but I recommend it to students when I can! Thank you for all your help and swift replies. All the best, Casey From Hrishikesh Terdalkar on https://groups.google.com/g/sanskrit-programmers Date: Dec 3, 2024 The word lists can be generated using Prof. Huet's Sanskrit Heritage platform. You can use my Python wrapper for it (install using `pip install heritage`) and then do import heritage H = heritage.HeritagePlatform() H.get_declensions('राम', 'm', False) which will output [[['रामः'], ['रामौ'], ['रामाः']], [['रामम्'], ['रामौ'], ['रामान्']], [['रामेण'], ['रामाभ्याम्'], ['रामैः', 'रामेभिः']], [['रामाय'], ['रामाभ्याम्'], ['रामेभ्यः']], [['रामात्'], ['रामाभ्याम्'], ['रामेभ्यः']], [['रामस्य'], ['रामयोः'], ['रामाणाम्']], [['रामे'], ['रामयोः'], ['रामेषु']], [['राम'], ['रामौ'], ['रामाः']]] We can of course flatten this list def flatten(l): '''Deep flatten any iterable''' for el in l: if (isinstance(el, Iterable) and not isinstance(el, (str, bytes))): yield from flatten(el) else: yield el And then, forms = list(flatten(H.get_declensions(word, gender, headers=False))) You may check documentation at https://heritage-py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/heritage.html#heritage.heritage.HeritagePlatform.get_declensions Hope this helps. Regards, Hrishikesh Hrishikesh Terdalkar LIRIS Research Lab Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 France Homepage: https://hrishikeshrt.github.io From Hrishikesh Terdalkar's PhD thesis on https://hrishikeshrt.github.io/publication/phd/thesis.pdf p. 159: 6.3.2 Heritage.py: Python Interface to The Sanskrit Heritage Site Heritage.py is a Python package that serves as an interface to The Sanskrit Heritage Site [Goyal et al., 2012]. It makes a number of features offered by the Heritage Platform available to use in Python projects for working with Sanskrit. The features include morphological analysis, sandhi formation, declensions, and conjugations. Heritage.py offers two distinct modes of operation: • Web Mirror Mode: In this mode, the package utilizes a compatible web mirror of The Heritage Platform (i.e., https://sanskrit.inria.fr/index.en. html). This mode does not necessitate any installation steps but relies on HTTP requests for each task, which may introduce a slight delay in obtaining results. • Local Installation Mode: To leverage the full potential of Heritage.py with enhanced performance, a local installation¹⁰ of The Heritage Platform is required. This mode significantly accelerates result acquisition by eliminating the need for frequent HTTP requests. The detailed documentation is available at https://heritage-py.readthedocs. io/en/latest/. The Python package is available on PyPI at https://pypi.org/ project/heritage/ and can be installed using ‘pip install heritage’ on the terminal. The source code is available at https://github.com/hrishikeshrt/heritage. Acknowledgment to Websites in the Digital Pali Dictionary site at https://digitalpalidictionary.github.io/bibliography.html (visited 15/10/2024) mentions: Sanskrit Grammarian , accessed through https://sanskrit.inria.fr/DICO/grammar.fr.html From sanscritoXXXX@gmail.com À : GH Huet Date: 1 janvier 2025 Bonjour Dr Huet ... Votre dictionnaire en ligne fait partie des outils de travail quotidiens dans notre étude du sanskrit. Le professeur Angot lui-même nous a présenté à plusieurs reprises votre travail. Nous profitons de cette occasion pour vous exprimer nos remerciements. ... Nous vous adressons nos meilleurs vœux pour 2025, bien cordialement Gloriana, pour l'équipe Amici del Sanscrito |